Below I have a formula using the AND function with my IF statement (Y35), but notice it is not performing correctly. I should of returned A35 and not ??. Trying to understand why this is not functioning correctly. Hopefully this issue will resolve my vlookup issue where, for example=vlookup(w35,A:B,{1,2},false), is only bringing back A35 instead of A35 and B35.
Y35 A35 B35 C35 w35 X35 IF(AND(X35=0,W35="N"),A35,"??")
Y35 A35 B35 C35 w35 X35 IF(AND(X35=0,W35="N"),A35,"??")
AZGIL06E03 | 123 | AZGIL06E03 | N | 0 | ?? |