I have a UNION query in Access that merges two tables - OLD vehicles and NEW vehicles
I have a form in Excel that brings Vehicle data in from that UNION query.
So when a user searches a vehicle reg number it matches the reg and should return other details about the vehicle.
When I search (using the form) for a reg that originated from the OLD vehicles table, it works fine. When I search a reg that originated from the NEW vehicle table I get the error that's in my title.
If I run the UNION query in Access and search for a reg from the NEW table it's there, so I know it exists.
Can anyone help me understand why I get this error?
"OrderBookMerge" is my UNION query
Here is my code in excel:
I have a UNION query in Access that merges two tables - OLD vehicles and NEW vehicles
I have a form in Excel that brings Vehicle data in from that UNION query.
So when a user searches a vehicle reg number it matches the reg and should return other details about the vehicle.
When I search (using the form) for a reg that originated from the OLD vehicles table, it works fine. When I search a reg that originated from the NEW vehicle table I get the error that's in my title.
If I run the UNION query in Access and search for a reg from the NEW table it's there, so I know it exists.
Can anyone help me understand why I get this error?
"OrderBookMerge" is my UNION query
Here is my code in excel:
VBA Code:
Private Sub CommandButton5_Click()
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection, rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim SearchX As Variant
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
cn.Open "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0; " & _
"Data Source=C:\Data\QCandWarranty.accdb"
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
rs.Open "OrderBookMerge", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable
SearchX = ComboBox1.Value
Debug.Print SearchX
Set rs = cn.Execute("SELECT [WoNo],[LineX],[Cust],[Vehicle],[BOM], [SpecNo], [Chassis], [VehicleUniqueID] " & "FROM [OrderBookMerge]" & "WHERE [Reg] = '" & SearchX & "'")
TextBox1.Text = rs.Fields("Vehicle")
TextBox2.Text = rs.Fields("Cust")
TextBox3.Text = rs.Fields("BOM")
TextBox4.Text = rs.Fields("SpecNo")
TextBox5.Text = rs.Fields("WoNo")
TextBox6.Text = rs.Fields("LineX")
TextBox7.Text = ComboBox1.Value
TextBox8.Text = rs.Fields("Chassis")
End Sub