Function SEQUENCE(Optional ByVal rows As Long = 1, Optional ByVal columns As Long = 1, Optional ByVal start As Long = 1, Optional ByVal step As Long = 1) As Variant ' Excel 2021
' This custom VBA function takes up to four parameters:
' rows - the number of rows in the output array (default value is 1)
' columns - the number of columns in the output array (default value is 1)
' start - the starting value for the sequence (default value is 1)
' step - the step value for the sequence (default value is 1)
' At a minimum, you have to include a rows, or a columns
' To use it in a foumula on the worksheet:
' Highlight the cells that will be populated by the formula
' Put the formula in the top cell of the highlighted range ex. =SEQUENCE(10,1)
' Then do Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the formula as an array formula
Dim ArrayColumn As Long, ArrayRow As Long
Dim SequenceValue As Long
Dim SequenceArray As Variant
ReDim SequenceArray(1 To rows, 1 To columns)
SequenceValue = start
For ArrayRow = 1 To rows
For ArrayColumn = 1 To columns
SequenceArray(ArrayRow, ArrayColumn) = SequenceValue
SequenceValue = SequenceValue + step
SEQUENCE = SequenceArray
End Function
Function TEXTJOIN(delimiter As Variant, ignore_empty As Boolean, ParamArray TextArray() As Variant) As String ' Excel 2019
' Clone of TextJoin for versions of Excel prior to 2016
' 2016, Eric W, adapted from AConcat by Harlan Grove
' 2021, Eric W, Added multiple delimiter support
Dim Flag As Boolean
Dim ArrayRow As Long
Dim TextArrayRow As Long, LastRowDelimiterArray As Long
Dim DelimiterArray() As String
Dim CellToJoin As Variant
Dim DelimiterValue As Variant
If TypeOf delimiter Is range Then
ReDim DelimiterArray(0 To delimiter.Cells.Count - 1)
ArrayRow = 0
For Each DelimiterValue In delimiter
DelimiterArray(ArrayRow) = DelimiterValue.value
ArrayRow = ArrayRow + 1
ElseIf IsArray(delimiter) Then
'' ReDim DelimiterArray(0 To UBound(delimiter) - LBound(delimiter) + 1)
ReDim DelimiterArray(0 To UBound(delimiter) - LBound(delimiter))
ArrayRow = 0
For Each DelimiterValue In delimiter
DelimiterArray(ArrayRow) = DelimiterValue
ArrayRow = ArrayRow + 1
ReDim DelimiterArray(0 To 0)
'' DelimiterArray(0) = delimiter
If IsMissing(delimiter) Then
DelimiterArray(0) = ""
DelimiterArray(0) = delimiter
End If
End If
ArrayRow = 0
LastRowDelimiterArray = UBound(DelimiterArray) + 1
Flag = False
For TextArrayRow = LBound(TextArray) To UBound(TextArray)
If TypeOf TextArray(TextArrayRow) Is range Then
For Each CellToJoin In TextArray(TextArrayRow).Cells
If CellToJoin = "" And ignore_empty Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & IIf(Flag, DelimiterArray(ArrayRow Mod LastRowDelimiterArray), "") & CellToJoin.value
ArrayRow = IIf(Flag, ArrayRow + 1, ArrayRow)
Flag = True
End If
ElseIf IsArray(TextArray(TextArrayRow)) Then
For Each CellToJoin In TextArray(TextArrayRow)
If CellToJoin = "" And ignore_empty Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & IIf(Flag, DelimiterArray(ArrayRow Mod LastRowDelimiterArray), "") & CellToJoin
ArrayRow = IIf(Flag, ArrayRow + 1, ArrayRow)
Flag = True
End If
If TextArray(TextArrayRow) = "" And ignore_empty Then
TEXTJOIN = TEXTJOIN & IIf(Flag, DelimiterArray(ArrayRow Mod LastRowDelimiterArray), "") & TextArray(TextArrayRow)
ArrayRow = IIf(Flag, ArrayRow + 1, ArrayRow)
Flag = True
End If
End If
End Function