Right now I have these reports set up so that with certain ranges, an offset cell is trimmed down to produce a tolerance range. From that, the target cell background is filled in with either red or green depending on if the actual dimension is within tolerance. It works perfectly with any offset cell entry of ' X.XXX" - Y.YYY" ' however there are a couple ranges where instead of having a this - that range, it will be just a reference dimension and will read ' X.XXX" REF '. If this is the case, then the toleranced dimension is within +/- .010" of the reference tolerance (hopefully that makes sense).
Example: X.X10" REF = X.X00" - X.X20".
Now is there a way to add an if statement to this code that will look for that "REF" (may or may not be capitalized) and if it exists, then it will trim the ' " ' and the "REF" and set the toleranced range to be +/- .010" of the remaining number???
I really hope this makes sense to someone b/c I'm sure its getting confusing.. lol.
here is the code I have now thanks to one of you guys (can't remember who, sorry).
Thanks in advance!!!
Example: X.X10" REF = X.X00" - X.X20".
Now is there a way to add an if statement to this code that will look for that "REF" (may or may not be capitalized) and if it exists, then it will trim the ' " ' and the "REF" and set the toleranced range to be +/- .010" of the remaining number???
I really hope this makes sense to someone b/c I'm sure its getting confusing.. lol.
here is the code I have now thanks to one of you guys (can't remember who, sorry).
Sub ColoredTolerances()
Dim rng As Range
Dim nm As Name
Dim i As Variant
Dim Dn As Range
Dim temp As Double
Dim temp1 As Double
Dim temp2 As Double
Dim Dmin
Dim Dmax
For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If nm.Name = "PinionJnl1" Or nm.Name = "PinionJnl2" Or nm.Name = "PinionJnl3" Or nm.Name = "PinionJnl4" Or nm.Name = "PinionJnl5" _
Or nm.Name = "PinionJnl6" Or nm.Name = "PilotP1" Or nm.Name = "PilotP2" Or nm.Name = "PilotP3" Or nm.Name = "PilotP4" _
Or nm.Name = "PilotP5" Or nm.Name = "PilotP6" Or nm.Name = "PilotFit1" Or nm.Name = "PilotFit2" Or nm.Name = "PilotFit3" _
Or nm.Name = "PilotFit4" Or nm.Name = "PilotFit5" Or nm.Name = "PilotFit6" Or nm.Name = "LabyD1A" Or nm.Name = "LabyD2A" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyD3A" Or nm.Name = "LabyD4A" Or nm.Name = "LabyD5A" Or nm.Name = "LabyD6A" Or nm.Name = "LabyD1B" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyD2B" Or nm.Name = "LabyD3B" Or nm.Name = "LabyD4B" Or nm.Name = "LabyD5B" Or nm.Name = "LabyD6B" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyD1C" Or nm.Name = "LabyD2C" Or nm.Name = "LabyD3C" Or nm.Name = "LabyD4C" Or nm.Name = "LabyD5C" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyD6C" Or nm.Name = "TBLength1" Or nm.Name = "TBLength2" Or nm.Name = "TBLength3" Or nm.Name = "TBLength4" _
Or nm.Name = "TBLength5" Or nm.Name = "TBLength6" Or nm.Name = "TBDiam1" Or nm.Name = "TBDiam2" Or nm.Name = "TBDiam3" _
Or nm.Name = "TBDiam4" Or nm.Name = "TBDiam5" Or nm.Name = "TBDiam6" Or nm.Name = "TBFit1" Or nm.Name = "TBFit2" _
Or nm.Name = "TBFit3" Or nm.Name = "TBFit4" Or nm.Name = "TBFit5" Or nm.Name = "TBFit6" Or nm.Name = "BrgBore1" _
Or nm.Name = "BrgBore2" Or nm.Name = "BrgBore3" Or nm.Name = "BrgBore4" Or nm.Name = "BrgBore5" Or nm.Name = "BrgBore6" _
Or nm.Name = "GearJnl1" Or nm.Name = "GearJnl2" Or nm.Name = "LabyT1A" Or nm.Name = "LabyT1B" Or nm.Name = "LabyT1C" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyT2A" Or nm.Name = "LabyT2B" Or nm.Name = "LabyT2C" Or nm.Name = "LabyT3A" Or nm.Name = "LabyT3B" _
Or nm.Name = "LabyT3C" Or nm.Name = "PolyDiam" Or nm.Name = "PolyFit" Or nm.Name = "BackPlateDiam" Or nm.Name = "GboxPlateDiam" _
Set rng = Range(nm.Name)
On Error Resume Next
For Each Dn In rng
If rng.Value <> "" Then
Dmin = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn.Offset(, 2), "-")(0), """", "")))
Dmax = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn.Offset(, 2), "-")(1), """", "")))
If InStr(Dn, "-") Then
temp1 = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn, "-")(0), """", "")))
temp2 = Val(Trim(Replace(Split(Dn, "-")(0), """", "")))
Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(temp1 >= Dmin And temp1 <= Dmax And temp2 >= Dmin And temp2 <= Dmax, 4, 3)
temp = Replace(Dn, """", "")
Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = IIf(temp >= Dmin And temp <= Dmax, 4, 3)
End If
Else: Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
If rng.Offset(, 2).Value = "" Then Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
If rng.Value = "NA" Or rng.Value = "N/A" Or rng.Value = "na" Or rng.Value = "n/a" Or rng.Value = "Na" Or rng.Value = "N/a" _
Or rng.Value = "nA" Or rng.Value = "n/A" Then Dn.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
Next Dn
End If
Next nm
End Sub
Thanks in advance!!!