Edit a Combobox date link From column 1 to column 2


Well-known Member
Sep 11, 2022
Office Version
  1. 2021
  2. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello.... Please help me change the History Column combobox link to column B

My problem is that it retrieves the data from the column of the month

VBA Code:
Option Compare Text
Dim f, NomTableau, TabBD(), ColCombo(), colVisu(), colInterro(), NcolVisu, NbCol, NcolInt, Choix()

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
 Set f = Sheets("bd")
 Set Rng = f.Range("A2:J" & f.[A65000].End(xlUp).Row)     ' à adapter
 NomTableau = "Tableau1"
 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=NomTableau, RefersTo:=Rng                                     ' A adapter
 NbCol = Range(NomTableau).Columns.Count
 '---- A adapter
 TabBD = Range(NomTableau).Resize(, NbCol + 1).Value              ' Array: + rapide
 For i = 1 To UBound(TabBD): TabBD(i, NbCol + 1) = i: Next i      ' No enregistrement
 ColCombo = Array(1, 5, 6, 7, 8)                                ' A adapter (1 à 6 colonnes maxi)
 colVisu = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)     ' Colonnes ListBox (à adapter)
 colInterro = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) ' colonnes à interroger (adapter)
 NcolInt = UBound(colInterro) + 1
 Me.ListBox1.List = TabBD
 For i = UBound(ColCombo) + 1 To 5
   Me("combobox" & i + 1).Visible = False: Me("labelCbx" & i + 1).Visible = False
 Next i
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: Me("combobox" & c) = "*": Next c
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: ListeCol c: Next c
 For i = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1:  Me("labelCbx" & i) = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, ColCombo(i - 1)): Next i
 Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount = NbCol + 1
 colDate = 1
 Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
 For i = LBound(TabBD) To UBound(TabBD)
    d(TabBD(i, colDate)) = ""
 Next i
 Dates = d.keys
 Tri Dates, LBound(Dates), UBound(Dates)
 Me.DateMini.List = Dates: Me.DateMini = Dates(0)
 Me.DateMaxi.List = Dates: Me.DateMaxi = Dates(UBound(Dates))
 '-- en têtes de colonnes ListBox
 EnteteListBox           ' Supprimer sur Excel 2013
 '-- labels textbox
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("textbox" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("label" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 '-- colTri
 Me.ComboTri.List = Application.Transpose(Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Resize(1))  ' Ordre tri
End Sub
 Sub EnteteListBox()
   X = Me.ListBox1.Left + 8
   Y = Me.ListBox1.Top - 20
   For c = 1 To NbCol
     pos = Application.Match(c, colVisu, 0)
     If Not IsError(pos) Then
       k = c
       Set Lab = Me.Controls.Add("Forms.Label.1")
       Lab.Caption = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, c)
       Lab.Top = Y
       Lab.Left = X
       Lab.Height = 24
       Lab.Width = Range(NomTableau).Columns(c).Width * 1#
       X = X + Range(NomTableau).Columns(c).Width * 1
       tempcol = tempcol & Range(NomTableau).Columns(c).Width * 1# & ";"
       X = X + 0
       tempcol = tempcol & 0 & ";"
     End If
   Next c
   tempcol = tempcol & "20"
   On Error Resume Next
   Me.ListBox1.ColumnWidths = tempcol
   On Error GoTo 0
 End Sub
Sub LabelsTextBox()
   For c = 1 To NbCol
      Me("textbox" & c).Width = Range(NomTableau).Columns(c).Width * 1.3
      tmp = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, c)
      Me("label" & c).Caption = tmp
      lg = Len(tmp): If Len(tmp) > 11 Then lg = 11
      Me("label" & c).Width = lg * 6
End Sub
Sub ListeCol(noCol)
  Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
  d.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
  For i = 1 To UBound(TabBD)
     ok = True
     For Cb = 0 To UBound(ColCombo)
       colBD = ColCombo(Cb)
       If Cb + 1 <> noCol Then
         If Not TabBD(i, colBD) Like Me("comboBox" & Cb + 1) Then ok = False
       End If
     Next Cb
     If ok Then
       tmp = TabBD(i, ColCombo(noCol - 1))
       d(tmp) = ""
     End If
   Next i
   d("*") = ""
   temp = d.keys
   Tri temp, LBound(temp), UBound(temp)
   Me("ComboBox" & noCol).List = temp
End Sub
Private Sub B_tout_Click()
  For i = 1 To 6: Me("combobox" & i) = "*": Next i
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_Click()
  For i = 1 To NbCol
    tmp = Me.ListBox1.Column(i - 1)
    If Not IsError(tmp) Then Me("textbox" & i) = tmp
  Next i
  Me.Enreg = Me.ListBox1.Column(NbCol)
End Sub
Sub Affiche()
  If Me.DateMini = "" Or Me.DateMaxi = "" Then Exit Sub
  Dim Tbl()
  cbx1 = Me.ComboBox1: cbx2 = Me.ComboBox2:  cbx3 = Me.ComboBox3:  cbx4 = Me.ComboBox4: cbx5 = Me.ComboBox5: cbx6 = Me.ComboBox6
  n = 0
  dMini = CDate(Me.DateMini): dMaxi = CDate(Me.DateMaxi)
  Cb = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)
  For i = 0 To UBound(ColCombo): Cb(i) = ColCombo(i): Next i
  For i = 1 To UBound(TabBD)
    If TabBD(i, Cb(0)) Like cbx1 And TabBD(i, Cb(1)) Like cbx2 _
       And TabBD(i, Cb(2)) Like cbx3 And TabBD(i, Cb(3)) Like cbx4 And TabBD(i, Cb(4)) Like cbx5 And TabBD(i, Cb(5)) Like cbx6 _
         And TabBD(i, 1) >= dMini And TabBD(i, 1) <= dMaxi Then
        n = n + 1: ReDim Preserve Tbl(1 To NbCol + 1, 1 To n)
        c = 0
        For c = 1 To NbCol: Tbl(c, n) = TabBD(i, c): Next c
        'Tbl(6, n) = Format(TabBD(i, 6), "hh:mm")
        Tbl(c, n) = TabBD(i, NbCol + 1)
    End If
  Next i
  If n > 0 Then
     Me.ListBox1.Column = Tbl
  End If
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_DropButtonClick()
   ListeCol 1
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox2_DropButtonClick()
   ListeCol 2
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox3_DropButtonClick()
  ListeCol 3
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox4_DropButtonClick()
  ListeCol 4
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox5_DropButtonClick()
  ListeCol 5
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox6_DropButtonClick()
  ListeCol 6
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox2_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox3_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox4_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox5_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub ComboBox6_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub DateMaxi_Change()
End Sub

Private Sub DateMini_Change()
End Sub
Private Sub B_recup_Click()
  Set f2 = Sheets("résultat")
  a = Me.ListBox1.List
  f2.[A2].Resize(UBound(a) + 1, UBound(a, 2) + 1) = a
  c = 0
  For c = 1 To NbCol
     f2.Cells(1, c) = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, c)
End Sub
Private Sub B_valid_Click()
  Enreg = Me.Enreg
  For c = 1 To NbCol
   If Not Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg, c).HasFormula Then
     tmp = Me("textbox" & c)
     If IsNumeric(Replace(tmp, ".", ",")) And InStr(tmp, " ") = 0 Then
        tmp = Replace(tmp, ".", ",")
        Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg, c) = CDbl(tmp)
         If IsDate(tmp) Then
           Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg, c) = CDate(tmp)
           Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg, c) = tmp
         End If
     End If
     Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg - 1, c).Copy
     Range(NomTableau).Item(Enreg, c).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
    End If
  Next c
End Sub
Private Sub B_ajout_Click()
 Me.Enreg = Range(NomTableau).Rows.Count + 1
End Sub
Private Sub B_sup_Click()
If Me.Enreg <> "" Then
  If MsgBox("Etes vous sûr de suppimer " & Me.TextBox1 & "?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then
    Me.Enreg = ""
    Me.Enreg = Range(NomTableau).Rows.Count + 1
  End If
 End If
End Sub
Sub raz()
    For k = 1 To NbCol
      Me("textBox" & k) = ""
    Next k
End Sub
Sub Tri(a, gauc, droi) ' Quick sort
 ref = CStr(a((gauc + droi) \ 2))
 g = gauc: d = droi
  Do While CStr(a(g)) < ref: g = g + 1: Loop
  Do While ref < CStr(a(d)): d = d - 1: Loop
  If g <= d Then
    temp = a(g): a(g) = a(d): a(d) = temp
    g = g + 1: d = d - 1
  End If
 Loop While g <= d
 If g < droi Then Call Tri(a, g, droi)
 If gauc < d Then Call Tri(a, gauc, d)
End Sub
Private Sub ComboMenu_click()
  nomcontrole = Me.TextBoxActive
  Me(nomcontrole) = Me.ComboMenu.Value
  Me.ComboMenu.Visible = False
End Sub
Private Sub ComboTri_click()
  Dim Tbl()
  colTri = Me.ComboTri.ListIndex
  Tbl = Me.ListBox1.List
  TriMultiCol Tbl, LBound(Tbl), UBound(Tbl), colTri
  Me.ListBox1.List = Tbl
End Sub
Sub TriMultiCol(a(), gauc, droi, colTri) ' Quick sort
  Dim colD, colF, ref, g, d, c, temp
  colD = LBound(a, 2): colF = UBound(a, 2)
  ref = a((gauc + droi) \ 2, colTri)
  g = gauc: d = droi
    Do While a(g, colTri) < ref: g = g + 1: Loop
    Do While ref < a(d, colTri): d = d - 1: Loop
    If g <= d Then
      For c = colD To colF
        temp = a(g, c): a(g, c) = a(d, c): a(d, c) = temp
      g = g + 1: d = d - 1
    End If
  Loop While g <= d
  If g < droi Then TriMultiCol a, g, droi, colTri
  If gauc < d Then TriMultiCol a, gauc, d, colTri
End Sub
Sub Gchoix()
  '-- génération de choix()
  If Me.ListBox1.ListCount = 0 Then Exit Sub
  BDListBox = Me.ListBox1.List
  ReDim Choix(1 To UBound(BDListBox) + 1)
  col = UBound(BDListBox, 2)
  For i = LBound(BDListBox) To UBound(BDListBox)
     For Each k In colInterro
       Choix(i + 1) = Choix(i + 1) & BDListBox(i, k - 1) & "|"
     Next k
     Choix(i + 1) = Choix(i + 1) & BDListBox(i, col) & "|" ' no enreg
  Next i
  Me.TextBoxRech = ""
End Sub
Private Sub TextBoxRech_Change()
  If Me.TextBoxRech <> "" Then
     mots = Split(Trim(Me.TextBoxRech), " ")
     Tbl = Choix
     For i = LBound(mots) To UBound(mots)
        Tbl = Filter(Tbl, mots(i), True, vbTextCompare)
     Next i
     If UBound(Tbl) > -1 Then
        Dim b(): ReDim b(1 To UBound(Tbl) + 1, 1 To NbCol + 1)
        For i = LBound(Tbl) To UBound(Tbl)
          a = Split(Tbl(i), "|")
          j = a(NcolInt)
          For c = 1 To NbCol: b(i + 1, c) = TabBD(j, c): Next c
          b(i + 1, c) = j
        Next i
        Me.ListBox1.List = b
     End If
  End If
End Sub



  • Capture.PNG
    29.2 KB · Views: 15
In this code, change this line:
colDate = 1

By this line:
colDate = 2

Rich (BB code):
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
 Set f = Sheets("bd")
 Set Rng = f.Range("A2:J" & f.[A65000].End(xlUp).Row)     ' à adapter
 NomTableau = "Tableau1"
 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=NomTableau, RefersTo:=Rng                                     ' A adapter
 NbCol = Range(NomTableau).Columns.Count
 '---- A adapter
 TabBD = Range(NomTableau).Resize(, NbCol + 1).Value              ' Array: + rapide
 For i = 1 To UBound(TabBD): TabBD(i, NbCol + 1) = i: Next i      ' No enregistrement
 ColCombo = Array(1, 5, 6, 7, 8)                                ' A adapter (1 à 6 colonnes maxi)
 colVisu = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)     ' Colonnes ListBox (à adapter)
 colInterro = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) ' colonnes à interroger (adapter)
 NcolInt = UBound(colInterro) + 1
 Me.ListBox1.List = TabBD
 For i = UBound(ColCombo) + 1 To 5
   Me("combobox" & i + 1).Visible = False: Me("labelCbx" & i + 1).Visible = False
 Next i
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: Me("combobox" & c) = "*": Next c
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: ListeCol c: Next c
 For i = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1:  Me("labelCbx" & i) = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, ColCombo(i - 1)): Next i
 Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount = NbCol + 1
 colDate = 2
 Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
 For i = LBound(TabBD) To UBound(TabBD)
    d(TabBD(i, colDate)) = ""
 Next i
 Dates = d.keys
 Tri Dates, LBound(Dates), UBound(Dates)
 Me.DateMini.List = Dates: Me.DateMini = Dates(0)
 Me.DateMaxi.List = Dates: Me.DateMaxi = Dates(UBound(Dates))
 '-- en têtes de colonnes ListBox
 EnteteListBox           ' Supprimer sur Excel 2013
 '-- labels textbox
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("textbox" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("label" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 '-- colTri
 Me.ComboTri.List = Application.Transpose(Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Resize(1))  ' Ordre tri
End Sub
Upvote 0
In this code, change this line:
colDate = 1

By this line:
colDate = 2

Rich (BB code):
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
 Set f = Sheets("bd")
 Set Rng = f.Range("A2:J" & f.[A65000].End(xlUp).Row)     ' à adapter
 NomTableau = "Tableau1"
 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=NomTableau, RefersTo:=Rng                                     ' A adapter
 NbCol = Range(NomTableau).Columns.Count
 '---- A adapter
 TabBD = Range(NomTableau).Resize(, NbCol + 1).Value              ' Array: + rapide
 For i = 1 To UBound(TabBD): TabBD(i, NbCol + 1) = i: Next i      ' No enregistrement
 ColCombo = Array(1, 5, 6, 7, 8)                                ' A adapter (1 à 6 colonnes maxi)
 colVisu = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)     ' Colonnes ListBox (à adapter)
 colInterro = Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10) ' colonnes à interroger (adapter)
 NcolInt = UBound(colInterro) + 1
 Me.ListBox1.List = TabBD
 For i = UBound(ColCombo) + 1 To 5
   Me("combobox" & i + 1).Visible = False: Me("labelCbx" & i + 1).Visible = False
 Next i
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: Me("combobox" & c) = "*": Next c
 For c = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1: ListeCol c: Next c
 For i = 1 To UBound(ColCombo) + 1:  Me("labelCbx" & i) = Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Item(1, ColCombo(i - 1)): Next i
 Me.ListBox1.ColumnCount = NbCol + 1
 colDate = 2
 Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
 For i = LBound(TabBD) To UBound(TabBD)
    d(TabBD(i, colDate)) = ""
 Next i
 Dates = d.keys
 Tri Dates, LBound(Dates), UBound(Dates)
 Me.DateMini.List = Dates: Me.DateMini = Dates(0)
 Me.DateMaxi.List = Dates: Me.DateMaxi = Dates(UBound(Dates))
 '-- en têtes de colonnes ListBox
 EnteteListBox           ' Supprimer sur Excel 2013
 '-- labels textbox
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("textbox" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 For i = NbCol + 1 To 40: Me("label" & i).Visible = False: Next i
 '-- colTri
 Me.ComboTri.List = Application.Transpose(Range(NomTableau).Offset(-1).Resize(1))  ' Ordre tri
End Sub
Unfortunately, there is an error message despite changing it to colDate = 2
With the data not appearing on the listbox. I wish you had a quick look at the file


  • Screenshot 2023-02-05 002702.png
    Screenshot 2023-02-05 002702.png
    38.6 KB · Views: 15
Upvote 0
That's another kind of problem.
To load the dates that are in column "B", you must first change to 2.

The min and max combos with 1:


Now With 2:

----- ---

Please help me change the History Column combobox link to column B
My problem is that it retrieves the data from the column of the month
Your original request is the problem of the date and column B.

I'm afraid you'll have to fix any problems you have in the other parts of your code. Close this thread and create a new thread for each problem.
Upvote 0
That's another kind of problem.
To load the dates that are in column "B", you must first change to 2.

The min and max combos with 1:
View attachment 84629


Now With 2:
View attachment 84628

----- ---

Your original request is the problem of the date and column B.

I'm afraid you'll have to fix any problems you have in the other parts of your code. Close this thread and create a new thread for each problem.
Yes, the change has already been made, but then other problems appeared, I do not know why
Upvote 0
Please, who has any idea similar to filtering data on several criteria by means of combobox with the possibility of filtering between two dates, to guide me to it. I found what I'm looking for in this file. I only need to search between two dates. Unfortunately, when I changed the date column from 1 to 2 to match my original file, I didn't succeed... The listbox data disappeared. And an error message when trying to filter!!!
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