No. I've given you an example of what to do, and you even coded your own solution, but without putting the header that you wanted in. Here is your same code with the header that you requested in it:Only i want Excel to pickup my copiecount from the input box from the printwindow. Is that possible?
Sub printx2()
' printx2 Macro
' Macro recorded 28-02-2011 by
For Each ws In ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
ws.PageSetup.CenterHeader = "PrintOut Copies:=2"
Application.ActivePrinter = "Zebra Stripe 600 on LPT1:"
ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.PrintOut Copies:=2, ActivePrinter:= _
"Zebra Stripe 600 on LPT1:", Collate:=True
End Sub