Well, in this scenario let's try this.
Open the VBA editor (ALT-F11), in the "Project" area (the frame at the left with the name of the workbook and its worksheet), select a "Module" and copy in it the following code:
Function qty(ByVal Texstring As String)
For I = 1 To Len(Texstring)
WW = Val(Mid(Texstring, I, 1))
If WW > 0 Then GoTo out
Next I
qty = WW
If Val(Mid(Texstring, I, 2)) = 0 Then Exit Function
qty = Val(Mid(Texstring, I, 2))
If Val(Mid(Texstring, I, 3)) > 0 Then qty = Val(Mid(Texstring, I, 3))
End Function
If there is no any Module, just add one (Menu ->Insert ->Module and copy there the code.
Then in cell B2 use =qty(A2) and copy the formula down.
In C1 type the word you wish to count, for example Pears
In C2 use =IF(ISERROR(FIND(C$1,$A2)),0,B2) and copy down
Finally in D1 use =SUM(C:C) that should be the total you are looking for.
Change the item in C1 and its total will be in D1.
This should work if the quantity is anywhere in text and is max 999.
Of course the complete calculation could be in done all in the macro, but at the moment the specifications seem to me a little bit unstable.