First, thanks for reading. Allow me to set up the project concept.
I have an Access database that stores athletic contest officials information. To pay the officials, I have to use an Excel cover sheet created by my company. I've managed a way to get Access to open the worksheet and drop the data from the current record on my form, but I'd like to have a one-button press to generate ALL of my cover sheets on their own tabs in a single Excel Workbook.
Open the workbook
do until EOF
Here's my current code. It is *not* cycling through the recordset yet because I can't even get it to work correctly for a single record.
When I run that code, it copies the sheet to the end, but cannot move forward. I get a run-time error, and I can't figure out why.
Run-Time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
I've searched for about two hours trying to make this work, and I can't find anything that helps. Can anyone assist? What further do you need from me?
I have an Access database that stores athletic contest officials information. To pay the officials, I have to use an Excel cover sheet created by my company. I've managed a way to get Access to open the worksheet and drop the data from the current record on my form, but I'd like to have a one-button press to generate ALL of my cover sheets on their own tabs in a single Excel Workbook.
Open the workbook
do until EOF
Copy the sole sheet at the end of all the sheets
Rename the sheet based on data in the current record
Copy the current record's data onto the new worksheet
next recordRename the sheet based on data in the current record
Copy the current record's data onto the new worksheet
Here's my current code. It is *not* cycling through the recordset yet because I can't even get it to work correctly for a single record.
Private Sub cmdGenerateDIVs_Click()
Dim objXLApp As Excel.Application
Dim objXLBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim objWSTemplate As Excel.Worksheet
Dim objWS As Excel.Worksheet
Dim strRemitAdvice As String
Dim strDescription As String
Dim strInvoiceNo As String
Dim strSheetName As String
'object setup
Set objXLApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set objXLBook = objXLApp.Workbooks.Open("O:\ATH_BIZ\2012-2013\01 Men's Sports\MVB - Men's Volleyball\OfficialsContracts\MVBOfficialsDIVs.xlsx")
Set objWSTemplate = objXLBook.Sheets(1)
objXLApp.Application.Visible = True
'saving the document as a test document
objXLBook.SaveAs "O:\ATH_BIZ\2012-2013\01 Men's Sports\MVB - Men's Volleyball\OfficialsContracts\" & Me.OfficialLast & " " & Me.OfficialFirst & " TEST"
strRemitAdvice = "*IPFW vs " & Me.AwayTeam_TeamAbbreviation & " " & Me.MatchDate & " " & Me.OfficialTypeAbbr
strDescription = "Men's Volleyball Official " & strRemitAdvice
strInvoiceNo = "SRVC" & Format(Month(Me.MatchDate), "00") & Format(Day(Me.MatchDate), "00") & Format(Year(Me.MatchDate), "YYYY")
strSheetName = Me.OfficialLast & Format(Month(Me.MatchDate), "00") & Format(Day(Me.MatchDate), "00")
'creating a copy of the main DIV and renaming it
objWS = objXLBook.Worksheets(objWSTemplate.Name).Copy(After:=objXLBook.Sheets(Worksheets.Count))
objWS.Name = "Test"
'placing the data from the form into the excel spreadsheet
With objXLApp.ActiveSheet
.Range("D2").Value = Me.VendorNumber
.Range("F1").Value = Me.TIN
.Range("A4").Value = Me.AddrName
.Range("A5").Value = Me.Address
.Range("A6").Value = Me.CSZ
.Range("A10").Value = strRemitAdvice
.Range("D13").Value = Me.OfficialTypePay
.Range("D14").Value = Me.RoundTrip
.Range("D15").Value = Me.Mileage
.Range("B18").Value = strDescription
.Range("F35").Value = Date
.Range("G16").Value = strInvoiceNo
End With
End Sub
When I run that code, it copies the sheet to the end, but cannot move forward. I get a run-time error, and I can't figure out why.
Run-Time error '91': Object variable or With block variable not set
I've searched for about two hours trying to make this work, and I can't find anything that helps. Can anyone assist? What further do you need from me?