I'm posting this here because it is regarding the Substitute command that was given earlier to count Commas in a cell - but I am now trying to use this in VBA and have issues.
Note: not wishing to use Conditional Formatting this time, I have that working thanks to this site, I now need to count the number of times a user has an entry where there are more than 4 commas.
To explain further, and apologies for not using XL2BB - I'm on a work computer
Mock up sheet below: For each user in column C (User) I need to look in Column D (Call ID) and count the number of times that there are 4 or more commas. Finally place that number as a running total in Column H (Commas)
| Recording | User | Call ID | Active Users | MP4 | Nothing | Commas | CdT |
| aswed.mp4 | Bill | ,,,,,, | Chris | | | | |
| .mp4 | Bill | ,, | Barry | | | | |
| .opus | Charlie | ,, | Bill | 2 | | | |
| .mp4 | Charlie | ,,,, | Nicolas | | | | |
| .opus | Charlie | ,,,, | Charlie | 1 | | | |
| .mp4 | Harry | , | Frank | | | | |
| .opus | Sophie | , | Robin | | | | |
| .opus | Sophie | ,,,, | Gill | | 1 | | |
| . | Gill | ,, | Hasan | | | | |
| . | Pete | ,,, | Harry | 1 | | | |
| .mp4 | Barbara | ,,,, | Sophie | | | | |
| . | Barbara | ,,,, | Paul | | | | |
| . | Barbara | ,,,, | Pete | | 1 | | |
| . | Barbara | , | George | | | | |
| .mp4 | Barbara | , | Barbara | 2 | 3 | | |
| .mp4 | Cyril | ,, | Cyril | 1 | 2 | | |
I have this code that Counts the number of times a user has a filename that ends in ".mp4" (Filename is in Column B - "Recording")
VBA Code:
Sub Test_Count_Number_of_Alerts()
Dim U As Variant
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set ws = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim UsID As Variant
Dim lastRow As Long
lastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 4).End(xlUp).Row
Dim UsIDRnge As Range
Set UsIDRnge = ws.Range("C2:C" & lastRow)
Dim LookupRange As Range
Set LookupRange = ws.Range("E1:E50")
Dim UsidPlace As Variant
Dim CntMP4 As Long, CntBlank As Long, CntCDT As Long, CntComma As Long
CntMP4 = 0
CntBlank = 0
CntCDT = 0
CntComma = 0
For Each U In UsIDRnge
If Right(U.Offset(0, -1), 4) = ".mp4" Then
UsidPlace = "F" & Application.Match(U, LookupRange, 0)
CntMP4 = CntMP4 + 1
Range(UsidPlace).Value = Range(UsidPlace).Value + CntMP4
CntMP4 = 0
End If
Next U
As you can see in the spreadsheet - the users who have ".mp4" in Column B have numbers against the names in Columns E (Active Users) and F (MP4)
This is a running total, so if I use the code on another csv file, Bill, for example, might have 4 more instances of .mp4 so he would have a running total of 6
When I try to modify the IF statement above to use the Substitute entry I was given earlier in this thread I get and error
VBA Code:
For Each U In UsIDRnge
If Len(U.Offset(0, 1)) - Len(WorksheetFunction.Substitute(U.Offset(0, 1), "", "", """")) > 4 Then
UsidPlace = "H" & Application.Match(U, LookupRange, 0)
CntComma = CntComma + 1
Range(UsidPlace).Value = Range(UsidPlace).Value + CntComma
CntComma = 0
End If
Next U
I tried to use hard coded cell address instead of Variable and Offset but get the same error
VBA Code:
If Len("D2") - Len(Application.WorksheetFunction.Substitute("D2", "", "", """")) > 4 Then
The error is Runtime Error 1004
"Unable to get the Substitute property of the WorkSheetFunction class" at the line of code above
Wondering if it cannot be done this way in VBA and I need another approach to count the number of times the cells containing Commas have more than 4 of them ?
All help gratefully received