Let me start off by saying that I am very much a novice to VBA, Macros, Excel and Access. But here it goes.
At work we have an Access database and an Excelmacro sheet. They work together and they were both built in a 32 bitsystem. They are upgrading us to Win 10 64bit and Office 2016. Through a lot of googling I have been able to update the Access database and most of the Excel macro to work in both a 32 and 64 bit system. Below is the line of code that is stumping me and my google skills.
It is working just fine in the 32 bit version but when I use Debug - Step In in 64 bit these lines get skipped completely
At work we have an Access database and an Excelmacro sheet. They work together and they were both built in a 32 bitsystem. They are upgrading us to Win 10 64bit and Office 2016. Through a lot of googling I have been able to update the Access database and most of the Excel macro to work in both a 32 and 64 bit system. Below is the line of code that is stumping me and my google skills.
Set rsdata = mydb.OpenRecordset("SELECT revisionID, SoftwareName FROMRevisionList WHERE (((RevisionList.FileSize)=" & totalsize &") AND ((RevisionList.DirectoryCount)=" & dirtotal & ")AND ((RevisionList.FileCount)=" & filetotal & "));")
If Notrsdata.EOF Then
Label9.Caption = rsdata![revisionid] & " - " &rsdata![softwarename]
It is working just fine in the 32 bit version but when I use Debug - Step In in 64 bit these lines get skipped completely