pie chart

  1. Jyggalag

    Remove or shorten labels in pie chart

    Hi all, I have this diagram: However, the "above average", "average", "below average" etc. are really filling up a huge portion of the pie chart. Can somebody please assist me in how I can hide them without removing them? Thanks!
  2. R

    Excel Pie Chart Formatting Inquiry - Trying To Remove Gray Line Within Pie Chart

    I'm building Pie Charts for a client at work and they are asking me to try and remove the Gray Line that goes through the middle of my Pie Charts. I've included the data set for reference. As you can see, only the 'Lab' User Group has any value in the SF column. Despite only the 'Lab' User...
  3. T

    How to create pie chart from 1 column with duplicates

    Could someone please help me. I'm trying to create a pie chart from only one column which has duplicates, I want it to display the name of the item and how many duplicates there are of it. Se below Apple Mac Windows Apple Mac Apple Mac Please help.
  4. T

    Pie charts to match conditioning formatting colors of cell

    Hello Im very new to all this so sorry if i haven't come across correct. I have a macro that changes my chart colors basted on the conditional formatting of of a cell. the problem i have is that i have to run the macro manually and i would like it to work automatically soon as the cell...
  5. M

    Pie within Pie Chart

    I am trying to do a pie within pie chart. I have 5 data values. I really want the first 3 to show on the main pie chart and then break one of those 3 values out into the additional two data points in my list. How do I tell excel not to include these last 2 data points in the primary chart at...
  6. J

    Can you generate a progress circle using dates instead of values?

    So, I know how to generate a progress chart with the doughnut pie charts but those are based on values like 0-100%, for example. My question is: Is there a way to generate a progress (pie) chart based on dates? Like, you're tracking a project from it's start date to end date? Also, to create a...
  7. S

    Ignore formula if cell is blank?

    Help please. The source data in spreadsheet #1 is linked to spreadsheet #2 by formulas. Pie charts are created from spreadsheet #2 . The problem is the blank cells in #1 appear in #2 as 0% and then appear in the chart as DataLabel 0%. How can I set it so those labels and 0% do not...
  8. D

    How to show or hide categories on an Excel Pie chart using VBA

    I've spent hours researching this question with no results and the Excel object model posted in MSDN has not been any help. I have an Excel spreadsheet with a prebuilt pie chart that is opened by Access and manipulated via VBA. The data to be displayed is populated and the resulting chart is...
  9. W

    Filter one sheet and see effects of filter in charts on 2nd sheet.

    This may be too complicated to describe or understand a solution, but I'll try... I've got one sheet (tab) of data. I used data on that tab to create pivot tables and generate pie and bar charts on another tab in the same spreadsheet. From what I can tell, there isn't a maintained connection...
  10. W

    Converting a row of data into a pie chart

    I'm building a spreadsheet of demographic results. I'm wanting to convert many of the rows of data into pie charts for easy consumption. My first attempt is trying to convert my Age row of data into a pie chart. Here is a sample of made-up data... <tbody> Person Identifier 1 2 3 4 5...
  11. G

    Pie Chart

    Hello, I would like to make a pie chart that contains a scale of 0 to 5. 0 begins in the middle of the circle and the outer circumference is 5. There would be roughly 100 pie pieces (Comments) that will individually be rated 0 to 5 (Score). My inputs would be as follows...
  12. E

    merge two pie charts

    Good please, could you tell me if it is possible to merge or overlay two pie charts. i need to compare performance of three departments. chart one is the base. dept a = 60 dept b = 60 dept c = 60 chart 2 show performance. dept a = 20 dept b = 50 dept c = 40 i am not looking to see...
  13. C

    Pie Chart & Graph - dynamic data source

    Hi all I have a workbook, with a worksheet for each month which contains a table in which daily figures are input. Next to this, I have another worksheet with reports of various pie charts and graphs to illustrate where the work time has been spent, enquiry origin etc etc. which are created...
  14. S

    Bulk Pie Charts - then merge into Word

    Hi all I've got a query that I'm hoping someone will be able to help with. I think it's quite complicated so I'll try and explain as best I can... I have a set of data that shows remuneration info for a group of employees. My overall goal is to create a merged Word document for each...
  15. C

    Auto-updating pie chart

    Hi all, I need to create a pie chart for work showing job failure categories, and the percentage that they can be attributed to the failure. For example I have a list of reasons for failure: 1. Train was late 2. Train was late 3. Staff didn't turn up 4. Machine broke down The pie chart will...
  16. F

    Excel pie chart - fix pie colour by category name

    Hey guys, Another question here regarding the pie charts in excel. I'm building a list of charts with 18 categories in one pie each. The category names are the same however the value/piece of pie size varies. Now when I select the data for each new chart, the color reassigns so there is...
  17. P

    Make Pie Chart Aggregate Data from Formatted Table

    Over the last few days, I have been teaching myself a few things in VBA in order to create a more efficient personal finance tracker that allows me to enter a few items into a user form and automatically populates a Formatted Table. Along with this functionality, I am wanting to have a Pie chart...
  18. A

    How to create a Pie Chart showing percentage of Income Spent

    I am trying to replicate the pie chart found on this Office Template/Budgets/Personal Budget link in order to show total monthly income, total monthly expenses, and percentage of income spent on expenses. I've created the worksheet including tables for income and expenses, but I can only get...
  19. J

    Simple Pie Chart Question

    Hi, I've got two figures. Total tickets opened and tickets worked on by my team. The figures are 964 total and 807 worked on. I just want a pie chart that 100% is 964 and the slice is 807 (or 83.71%). I can't figure this out as all the searches I do lead me to multiple entries for a chart. I...
  20. P

    Inserting Pie chart

    <tbody> 1 RICKY 2 SAM 3 ROONEY 4 RICKY 5 RICKY 6 SAM 7 ROONEY 8 ROONEY 9 ROONEY 10 SAM 11 </tbody> Please see the above table. I have 10 task and assigned to my team guys. I want to know the % of work contribution by each team guy. how to add pie chart for this. i...

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