match and index

  1. T

    Formula for transferring most recent data from cells

    Bit of a novice, so would appreciate some help with this. I am trying to find a way to use a formula to extract data from one simple form to another. However, I'm getting stuck with constructing it. The first form looks like this: WEEKLY INSPECTION <tbody> DATE ROOM NUMBER WORK REQUIRED WORK...
  2. C

    extract data from one sheett to different tabs in the same file.

    Hi All, I want to extract the data from Main sheet based on the temperature (i.e. cool, warm or hot) in different tabs for each temp. status. The data that will reflect in each temperature tabs should automatically populate in each sheet based on their temperatures and it would be...
  3. R

    Brain teaser, VBA code needed to prevent insanity, vlook up index and match

    Firstly a massive thank you anybody who is wiling to help me..... my problem starts with information that has been given to me is very limited but should be enough to solve my problem i need to identify how many adjacent structures each structure has, basically there will always be one or up to...
  4. R

    Brain teaser. Please I need help anybody. My vba coding nightmare

    I have been playing around for a while now but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my vba coding to work for what I'm trying to do. I have had some limited success with match and index and then removing duplicates witch seemed to give me almost what I needed. Ok so this is what I'm trying...
  5. R

    Vlookup or match and index please help

    I have been playing around for a while now but no matter how hard I try I just can't get my vba coding to work for what I'm trying to do. I have had some limited success with match and index witch seemed to give me almost what I needed. Ok so this is what I'm trying to do. I have a item number...
  6. B

    Return column names of three highest values (with ties!)

    I'm working on matching ~2000 survey participants with 1 of 15 election candidates based on (amongst other criteria) their rating of how important different issues are to them. There are 10 issues (A-J), but to keep it simple I want to match based on the top 3 issues (i.e. get best fit(s) for...
  7. E_DPSG

    Another Index Match Question

    I use to be very good at these. But a few years of no practice, I am toast. I have a single table that contains the following Columns, Where Date is in Col A, and CountC is in Col E: Date, Source, CountA, CountB, CountC Results will come from either C,D, or E and I can work out those...
  8. M

    String Search & Listing Based on a Substring

    Hi Gurus ! I have a big database of Employees that has a unique key "ID No." now What I want is that if I enter 'Jon' in a cell then the I should be able to find all employees who have substring Jon in their names, and their names & ID no. should appear as a list. The expected result is...
  9. G

    Formula to look up date value against a reference cell and return the number of matches

    Hi, i have several columns with dates and a reference column with dates as well. I need a formula in a row A-Z which will lookup the date in columns A-Z and match it against the reference date column and if they match return the count for me in a particular cell that I have the formula in. see...
  10. R

    How to search for keywords in a column and return the values from the column next to the value found?

    Hello, I have the following Excel data and I would like to return the repeated values found when the user searches for keywords. It can be a formula and/or VBA code. To be considered: 1. Column A and B have fixed values. 2. Column C and D are the keywords that the user will enter (not...
  11. I

    Hlookup with ranking conversion

    I'm looking for help developing a formula that will return the results... 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc 51st, etc. <tbody> Date Name Department TO Variance CC! CC2 CC3 5-24.99 25-49.99 50-199.99 200-399.99 400 or more YTD 02/27/15 Bill BAR Bar Manager (99.95) 6th $50.00-$199.99 9 3 6 0 0 18...
  12. K

    Results based on multiple criteria

    I have 2 spreadsheets. 1st = Sales 2nd = Pricing. I need verify that the price I sold my products for matches the pricing spreadsheet. Spreadsheet (Sales.Mar.15) Location Code Ticket Date Document Date Customer Number ShipTo Price Item Number UTAH 1/3/2015...
  13. T

    Compare and Match 2 cols in 2 wkshts and return data

    I have one workbook with 6 tabs. On tab 1 I have a last name, first name, some other columns with stuff in them and 5 empty columns. On tabs 2 - 6, I have a last name col, first name col and numbered data in the 3rd col. I want to fill the 5 empty cols in tab 1 with the numbered data from...

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