match and index

  1. J

    Multiple Indexing/Matching and picking the Maximum Retrieved Value

    Hi All, I have a formula with 3 Index Matches, and I want to pick the MAX value of the retrieved results. It doesn't seem to be working...
  2. R

    Remove Negative Values and Sort Data Range without affecting formulas

    Hello! I have a worksheet that fetches data from a site. (Sheet 1) Now I have used indirect references with a helper sheet (Sheet 2) to fetch the relevant data to a new sheet (Sheet 3). In Sheet 3 I have two columns- Column A - Data Set 1 (Unique IDs) Column B - Data Set 2 (It is time which...
  3. T

    Worksheetfunction.Match Error 1004 on one code, but not the other nearly identical one

    I have 2 VBA codes that are almost identical to each other, the only difference is that one of them has a prompt for message box with input to fill in column B. Basically code 2 is identical to code 1, but with all the columns shifted one down (B-C, C-D, etc). Below is code 1 Private Sub...
  4. M

    Match function questions

    Dear, Please help Worksheet 1 <tbody> 1 A B C 2 123456 290 3 234567 </tbody> Worksheet 2 <tbody> 1 <strike></strike>A B<strike></strike> C 2 123456 SP 290 3 234567 </tbody> I would like to set a formula in Worksheet 1 cell C2. I require to match Worksheet 1 Column A...
  5. F

    Identifying duplicate values in a range based on another criteria of duplicates

    I am trying to find a formula that allows me to do the following in order: 1) If the group ID is the same AND (2) if the Part # is the same as the (3) Part # with the minimum group price, highlight this. For example below, I want to highlight part # MPN1 because it is has the same GroupID and...
  6. C

    Matching formula

    Hi, Please could someone help me some match the data in columns 'Transaction Number' and ;Line Description': <colgroup><col><col><col></colgroup><tbody> Transaction Number Transaction Line Description Date Rejection for Invoice 5-Nov-18 Miscellaneous_Negative_Entry_For_NEW...
  7. L

    Match+Index or Vlookup with 2 columns as look up value? - VBA Loops

    Hi all, I'm trying to set up a Match+Index or Vlookup loop with VBA to return Countries for First and Last names, if the Country cell is empty. This question is posted on ExcelForum as well link...
  8. A

    MAX 30 day usage period for a specific Item.

    I`m trying to work out a formula, on how to get the MAX amount, for any 30 day consumption period, for a certain item, when all the criteria are in one data table. I have created a formula in column D, that Sums up the amount used in the last 30 days. The Pivot table in columns A & B...
  9. I

    Index, Match Formula HELP!!!

    Hello, I am trying to modify a formula that I have working, but I need it to pull duplicate values for the same return value that is found. I have looked at other posts on this forum similar to my question, but it seems all them are not as complex as mine. I've seen some index/match formulas...
  10. B

    Index and Match - Gathering data from columns with no headers

    Hi guys, I am having some issues with Index and Match for a project that I am working on. I have a list of employees where I wish to gather data to calculate their targets. Where I get stuck is the source table is not setup the way a typical index table would be. Column A has the employees...
  11. M

    SUMIF, INDEX & MATCH Used Together

    Hello, I'm trying to create a sumif formula in which I can select the "Sum Range" based on a particular cell (Let's say E3). What I'm trying to do is create a Data Validation List so that you can select from the options available in E3. I was thinking an INDEX and MATCH combo would work for...
  12. S

    Vlookup with 3 criteria matches

    Page 1 C372)Ag Non Real Estate C374)City. D375)#loan E375)Balance C375)Ag loan. C376)Ag line Page 2 A1)Ag Non Real Estate. B1)City. C1)Product. D1)Ag loan. E1)4. F1)$480 Ag Non Real Estate. City. Ag line. 3. $350 (same layout as first...
  13. S

    Help Ranking Dynamic Text, Ranking Lists Within A Separate Ranked List

    Hello everyone, I'm trying to create ranked subset lists from a 'master' ranked list and have subset lists update dynamically as changes are made to the master list. Boiling it down to a very simple example below: What I have (sample master list) of overall rankings: <tbody> 1 Vegetable...
  14. S

    Identifying all same duplicate ID's which also have one special identifier in only one row in another column

    I am trying to achieve the following through formula for a largish worksheet (100,000 rows) (Excel 2010), to identify 'Special' process against all rows which have both duplicate Job ID's and one 'Special' process included: <tbody> Job ID Process Associated Special Process? 45001 Process 9...
  15. R

    Lookup set value, with multiple results.

    Hi all, I need help with a project i'm working on. I have a sheet where I need to find and print worksheets based on weather that PPM is needed to be completed that month. So for example, to Print all ppm's to be completed in week 6. I'd enter week 6 in the box and it looks up this week number...

    Vlookup using (3) Variables, pulling data from another sheet.

    What im trying to do is get the data entered in Yellow to pull from another sheet and supply me with the data requested/needed to fill in the Green cells. I believe this would be appropriate for a VLOOKUP to be used however maybe INDEX & MATCH would be a better choice. The actual example file is...
  17. M

    Using Index and Match, returning duplicates.

    Hello, I am attempting to auto populate a list based on times. I am using this formula and it works great if the shift times are different =INDEX(Sheet1!A:A,MATCH("XXXXXX",Sheet1!C:C, 0)) However, when they are the same, i.e =INDEX(Sheet1!A:A,MATCH("7:00A - 3:30P",Sheet1!C:C, 0)) it will...
  18. W

    Categorize text with keywords

    Hello, I am attempting to use a formula that will search for key words in text fields of cells and return the appropriate category> <colgroup><col><col></colgroup><tbody> =INDEX(CATEGORIES,MATCH(TRUE,ISNUMBER(SEARCH(KEYWORDS,A2)),1)) I am using this formula. But keep getting an #NA...
  19. W

    Match two sets of numbers regardless of order

    Hi Im trying to figure how Excel can match a set of numbers of the position. So for example I would like Excel to provide a true result of the two below numbers as they both contain the same numbers but in a different order 4215 5142
  20. H

    Excel Vlookup or MATCH Comparison Between Multiple Sheets

    Hi Guys, Does anyone know how I can lookup the values in one row in sheet 2 (see tables below) and compare this with all rows in sheet 1? If any of the cell values in one row in sheet 2 equal the values in any of the rows in sheet 1 then I would like to return the values 'TRUE' or 'FALSE' for...

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