A recent news story reported that 02/02/2020 was the first time in 900 years that we had a palindrome as a date. While the news story left out a bunch of additional details, I was wondering if you could easily fact-check that in Excel.
In today's episode a way to use Dynamic Arrays, SEQUENCE, MID, and CONCAT to reverse the text in a cell.
Also: Check out Fast Excel Speed Tools at FastExcel V4 SpeedTools for a REVERSE.TEXT function.
Check out my Dynamic Arrays book: Guide to Excel Dynamic Arrays by MrExcel
Table of Contents
(0:00) Introduction
(0:20) Clark Kent of Dynamic Array Functions: SEQUENCE
(0:33) Broadcast News Rant
(1:08) Formula to test for a Palindrome
(2:00) Why the Excel formula works, step by step
(2:25) TEXTJOIN versus...