Filtering without Range


New Member
Aug 18, 2017

I am trying to create a macro that can count how many times a stock shows up during a particular day. It needs to do a few things:

1. Filter for prior day or most recent date in column N
2. Filter column H for Volatility; its what the stock has been categorized as
3. Remove duplicates from column D, which is the name of the stocks, to show only single values
4. Show a count of how many symbols

I created the following macro but it only works just on the spreadsheet I created. I feel like it has to do with the range some of my spreadsheets have more lines than others. I've tried expanding it but still doesn't work on other spreadsheets. Any suggestions would be great


ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$N$77081").AutoFilter Field:=14, Operator:= _
xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(2, Date - 1)
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$N$77081").AutoFilter Field:=8, Criteria1:= _

Sheets.Add After:=ActiveSheet
Application.CutCopyMode = False
ActiveSheet.Range("$A$1:$A$976574").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:= _
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=COUNTA(RC[-1]:R[998]C[-1])"

Excel Facts

How to fill five years of quarters?
Type 1Q-2023 in a cell. Grab the fill handle and drag down or right. After 4Q-2023, Excel will jump to 1Q-2024. Dash can be any character.
Hello blu817,

What is not happening on the other worksheets? Please be specific.
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Hello blu817,

Try this version of your macro and let me know the results.

Sub Test()

    Dim NewWks  As Worksheet
    Dim Rng     As Range
    Dim RngEnd  As Range
    Dim Wks     As Worksheet
        Set Wks = ActiveSheet
            Wks.AutoFilterMode = False
        Set Rng = Wks.Range("A1:N1")
        Set RngEnd = Wks.Columns("A:N").Find("*", , xlFormulas, xlWhole, xlByColumns, xlPrevious, False, False, False)
            If RngEnd Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
        Set Rng = Rng.Resize(RowSize:=RngEnd.Row - Rng.Row + 1)
            Rng.AutoFilter Field:=14, Operator:=xlFilterValues, Criteria2:=Array(2, Date - 1)
            Rng.AutoFilter Field:=8, Criteria1:="Volatility"
        On Error Resume Next
            Set Rng = Rng.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
            If Err = 0 Then
                Set NewWks = Worksheets.Add(After:=Wks)
                Rng.RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlYes
                Rng.Copy NewWks.Range("A1")
                Application.CutCopyMode = False
                NewWks.Cells(1, "B").Formula = "=COUNTA(RC[-1]:R[998]C[-1])"
            End If
        On Error GoTo 0

End Sub
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Hello blu817,

If you can post a copy of the workbook that would be a big help.
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Sorry I wasnt able to attach the excel due to firewall but here are some sample lines. Let me know if this helps

DEBT135087UL6Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087UL6Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087VW1Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087VW1Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087WL4Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087WL4Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087WV2Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087WV2Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087XQ2Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087XQ2Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087XW9Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087XW9Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT135087YQ1Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:41 abb10/26/18 17:41 a
DEBT135087YQ1Canadian Government Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
DEBT912810QA9United States Treasury Note/Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:40 abb10/26/18 17:40 a
DEBT912810QA9United States Treasury Note/Bond###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:57 abb10/26/18 17:57 a
EQUIAALPH99999AAL6Adjusted AMR Corporation Placeholder###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:52 abb10/26/18 17:52 a
EQUIAALPH99999AAL6Adjusted AMR Corporation Placeholder###################Final Pricenull0aa10/26/18 17:45 abb10/26/18 17:45 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility6.6536203622aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility6.6536203622aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility7.3703141072aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility7.3703141072aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility7.8041094322aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility7.8041094322aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility8.5410320342aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility8.5410320342aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility3.3889517672aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility3.3889517672aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility4.3532591832aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility4.3532591832aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility4.1140421772aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility4.1140421772aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility5.0810963932aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd12/21/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility5.0810963932aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility2.0056873032aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility2.0056873032aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility3.2895483932aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility3.2895483932aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility2.0965319592aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility2.0965319592aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility3.4640645392aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd3/15/19 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility3.4640645392aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility02aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility0.00012aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility3.1900142192aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility3.1900142192aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility02aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility0.00012aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility3.6030956842aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNAAUnullAlmaden Minerals Ltd6/21/19 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility3.6030956842aa10/22/18 13:50 abb10/22/18 13:50 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000007.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000007.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000007.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000007.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000010.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000010.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000010.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000010.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000012.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000012.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000012.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation10/19/18 0:00 a 0000012.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000002.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000005.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000007.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000007.500CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000007.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000007.500PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000010.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000010.000CVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000010.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a
OPTNABDCnullAlcentra Capital Corporation11/16/18 0:00 a 0000010.000PVolatility0.50.45aa9/24/18 16:04 abb9/24/18 16:05 a

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Hello blu817,

Thanks for the sample data. There are couple of issues I found with the dates. When filtering dates there is also a time associated with the date. If you want yesterday's date, you cannot simply subtract 1. If the date is on Monday then the previous day would be Sunday. Unless you are working on Sunday, this probably not the approach you want. Both of these issue can be fixed in the macro. Is the work week Monday through Friday or something else?

Upvote 0
You are absolutely right and my oversight. And in the world of macros the extra HH:MM makes a huge difference. The data will strictly be Monday - Friday but I plan on using it to dig through months of data on different spreadsheets from various days.
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