VLOOKUP Awesome Quick
February 2012

From Your First VLOOKUP to Becoming a VLOOKUP Guru"!
A Brilliant, Media-Rich How-To in the realm of VLOOKUP!
Buy Now »- 134 Pages
- Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
VLOOKUP Awesome Quick is an enhanced eBook designed to get the reader up to speed with the VLOOKUP function in Excel. The book starts with the basics of "Explain a VLOOKUP in plain English", "How to Enter Your First VLOOKUP", how to troubleshoot VLOOKUP when you get all #N/A or a few #N/A errors. It covers steps to make VLOOKUP easier. You will learn real-life applications of VLOOKUP. The book moves on to advanced topics like moving beyond VLOOKUP to using INDEX and MATCH, Two-way VLOOKUP, Finding the last match. The last chapter includes examples of INDIRECT and OFFSET.
- Buy the book from MrExcel.com
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- Download VLAQ.epub to your computer. Remember the file location for step 7
- Open iTunes
- From the iTunes File menu, choose Add File to Library
- Browse to the VLAQ.epub location from step 4. Choose VLAQ.epub. The file will now appears in the Books entry in the top left corner of iTunes
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- Look across the top of iTunes. Choose the Books category from the top navigation menu
- If it is not set, choose to sync books to the iPad. Choose VLOOKUP Awesome Quick.
- Click Apply or Sync in the lower right corner
- After the sync is complete, disconnect the iPad
- On the iPad, open the Bookshelf application. VLOOKUP Awesome Quick should appear on the bookshelf. Tap this book.
- Slide your finger across the screen to turn pages in the book.
- When you come to an audio clip, click the play button to listen to the audio.
- When you come to a video clip, click the poster for the video. For the first few seconds of the video, you can enlarge the video to full screen. After viewing the video in full screen mode, tap the video once, and a “Done” button will appear. Click Done to return to the book.
- While reading the book, tap the center of the page once. A scrubber will appear at the bottom. Drag the scrubber right or left to quickly scroll through pages. Also, the Table of Contents icon will appear at the top left. Click this icon to jump to any topic.
Notes About the VLOOKUP Awesome Quick book
Will it play on my Kindle?
No -
Will it play on my Kindle Fire?
Currently, the Fire does not support video. If it does in the future, we will mark the shopping cart page. -
Will it play on my Nook?
The book might work on some later versions of the Nook. -
I have an eBook reader like Calibre or Sigil on my computer. Can I read the book?
Sigil will promptly delete the videos from the book. You can read the remaining text. -
I Want to Read the Book, I Don’t Care About the Videos. Is there a PDF version of the book that I can download?
Sure – buy the book and in the download center, you can choose to download the PDF of the book. The video and audio will not work.
Why did I decide to offer an enhanced e-Book?
The iPad is a perfect way to showcase the future of eBooks. The screenshots are full color. You have the ability to embed audio and video in the book. It is somewhat difficult to describe certain steps in text or in static pictures. Including a video will allow you to see how an action is completed.
Why a Book About VLOOKUP?
As I do my live seminars, I realize that VLOOKUP is in the top three topics that people ask about. Either they are completely new to VLOOKUP and they are trying to figure out how it works in plain English, or their VLOOKUPs are not working reliably. This eBook has something for all levels. People who have never done a VLOOKUP learn quickly how to do a VLOOKUP in the first chapter. People who use VLOOKUP but are having trouble will learn how to troubleshoot the VLOOKUPs (as the book explains, it is all about the frequency of the #N/A errors and if they increase in frequency as you move down the table). People who are comfortable with VLOOKUP but occasionally have problems such as finding the last match, the total of the matches, or the previous match will learn something from the back chapters of the book.
- Intro - VLOOKUP in Plain English
- Chapter 1 - Your First VLOOKUP
- Chapter 2 - Troubleshoot VLOOKUP
- Chapter 3 - Making VLOOKUP Easier
- Chapter 4 - Using VLOOKUP to Solve Common Problems
- Chapter 5 - INDEX and MATCH
- Chapter 6 - Getting Fancy - Advanced Topics
- Chapter 7 - Some Other Wild Functions
- Bonus – Converting Formulas to Values