Total Training for Microsoft Excel 2007 Advanced
March 2007
Like watching Bill's Power Excel Seminar live on your desktop.
- 6 Hours
- Publisher: Total Training
"Nearly 6 hours of audio & video training!"
If you want to learn the advanced features of Excel 2007, this DVD is for you. Based on Bill Jelen's popular Power Excel Seminar, the DVD will walk you through the best features of Excel 2007. Learn pivot tables, automatic subtotals, charting, and more.
Each lesson starts with a video clip. You can use the navigation to jump to a specific lesson:
Once you are watching a lesson, you will hear my voice and watch my mouse as I click around the video screen. At any point, you can jump to a certain topic within the lesson. Here, you can see there 15 chapter marks within the 75 minute Charting Lesson. You can bookmark any lesson to be able to jump back to it quickly.
The Total Training company has the best production values in the industry. Their intuitive interface will allow you to skip directly to the topics that you need to learn today. Actually, the interface remains unobtrusive outside the video window, but it has incredible depth. There are 30+ controls available to you.
Watch the video on your computer screen and then open the identical Excel 2007 workbook to try the concepts yourself. You can even minimize the video screen to a small size so that you can see both your Excel screen and the video at the same time.
Starting off on the Right Foot
- Basic Terminology
- Creating, Saving, Opening, and Closing Workbooks and Worksheets
- Navigating in Excel – Within a Worksheet and Between Workbooks
- Selecting Cells, Rows and Columns, Non-adjacent Cells
- Editing, Updating, and Deleting Data – Ways Available
- Sheet Background, Name, Hiding, and Unhiding
- Entering Formulas in Excel
- Creating Charts – the Basics
Excel-lent Tips
- Activating the Menus
- Accessing the Toolbars with the Keyboard
- Basic and Common Shortcut Keys
- Twenty Terrific Excel Tips
- Links for More Tips
Formulas, Functions, and More…
- What Is a Formula and How Does It Work?
- Introducing Array Formulas
- Common Error Messages in Formulas
- How are Functions Different from Formulas?
- What are the Categories and Components of Functions?
- Financial Functions
- Date and Time Functions
- Math, Trig, and Statistical Functions
- Math and Trig functions
- Database Functions
- Text Functions
- Logical Functions
- Information Functions
- Nesting Functions
- Troubleshooting and Evaluating Formulas and Functions
Data Management in Excel
- Database Management – the Basics
- Data Management Functions Available in Excel
- Sorting a Database
- Filtering Data – AutoFilter and Advanced Filter
- Subtotals, Grouping and Outlining
- Data Validation Feature
- Converting Text to Columns / Importing Text Data
- Sound Interesting?
Advanced Data Management in Excel
- Database Functions – the Concept
- Detailed Listing of Database Functions
- Using Database Functions
- Working with Data Tables
- Creating and Managing Lists
- Consolidation of Data
- Importing External Data
- Handling XML data
- More Terrific Links
- PivotTables, PivotCharts, and Reporting
- Introducing PivotTables
- When Should You Use a PivotTable?
- Creating a PivotTable
- Filtering and Modifying Fields within a PivotTable
- Sorting Data and Listing Specific PivotTable Items
- PivotTable Report Formatting Options
- PivotTable Field Settings
- Things You Should Know When Using PivotTables
- Creating a PivotChart
- Links for More Information
Auditing Tools
- Introducing Auditing Tools
- Formula Auditing Toolbar
- Error Checking Feature
- Tracing Precedents
- Tracing Dependents
- Removing Tracing Arrows
- Trace Error Option
- New Comment / Edit Comment Option
- Circling Invalid Data
- Clearing Validation Circles
- Showing Watch Window
- Evaluate Formula Option
- Tracking Changes Made to a Workbook
- Viewing and Printing Formulas in Any Sheet
- Viewing and Printing Comments and Errors
Formatting and Printing Reports
- Print Preview Options and Zooming
- Controlling Print Selection, Page, Cells, and Copies
- Setting, Removing Page Breaks; Page Break Preview
- Print Area – Setting, Clearing
- Page Control – Orientation, Size, Scaling, Quality
- Alignment Control – Margins, Centering Report
- Headers and Footers, First Page Numbers
- Controlling Sheet Properties During Printing
- Printing Charts
- Four More Topics
Adding Interactivity and Publishing Reports on the Web
- Saving as a Web Page
- Publishing an Entire Workbook on a Web Page
- Publishing One Worksheet / Range / Other Items
- Publishing a Chart on a Web page
- Publishing a PivotTable Report on a Web Page
An Introduction to VBA
- What Is a Macro and What Is It Used for?
- Recording a Macro – the Toolkit
- Writing a Macro - the VBE Window
- Running a Macro
- Other Advanced Topics and Links
Case Studies
- Peter F Drucker’s Advice to CEOs
- Reviewing Projects and Their Profitability
- Checking Delivery Schedules Using Gantt Charts
- Comparing Excel Worksheets/Workbooks
- Financial Analysis Models – Creation and Automation
- Having Your Own Menu Bar
- Control Reports Using PivotTables
- Using Conditional Statements for Reporting
- Controlling Entry of Dates – the Dating Problem!
- Some Interesting Examples
Goal Seek and Scenario Builder
- Using Goal Seek
- Using Scenario Builder
- Other New Techniques and Developments
One Journey Ends – Another Begins
- Appendix A – Finding and Launching Excel
- Appendix B – Excel’s Roots