Excel for the CFO
December 2012

Packed with practical steps and real life Excel tips
This book is written based on actual experience using Excel 2010 for practical problem solving in the finance organization. The solutions and scenarios you will encounter here have been time tested and perfected. They will help jump-start your innovative thinking about new challenges that you encounter...
Add to Cart: $9.99 »- 247 Pages
- Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
- ISBN: 978-1-61547-011-2
- PDF ISBN: 978-1-61547-211-6
Written specifically for finance managers, Excel for the CFO explains the best features of Excel that allow for the automation of regular processes and help reduce the processing time spent on analytics. The book explores the entire gamut of finance-related functions and is focused on practical approaches to using Excel—including Pivot Tables, Goal Seek, Scenario Builder, and VBA—in problem solving to deliver quality results. Using case studies across all types of organizations to demonstrate the application of Excel-based automation, the scenarios covered include the automation of financial analysis models, the creation of income statement and balance sheet templates, converting numbers to words for check printing, and much more. Any finance executive who manages the company’s business affairs and makes critical decisions by analyzing data would be directly benefitted by using the tips and techniques presented in this guide.
About the Series
Excel for Professionals series teaches you Excel with examples from a particular profession.
- Brushing Up on Excel Basics
- Data, Data Everywhere
- Using Financial Functions
- Getting to Know Pivot Tables
- What’s in the Data Tab?
- Building Business Models Using Excel
- Using Excel’s Security and Audit Features
- Common Issues and Uncommon Solutions
- Using VBA with Excel
- Excel Interoperability with Other Office Apps
- Excel for the CFO: Case Studies