Excel 2007 For Scientists CD
April 2008

Finally! The guide to Excel for Scientists, written by a Scientist!
- 1800 Slides
- Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
- ISBN: 978-1-932802-31-3
Learn at Your Own Pace
Visual training covering Excel 2007. This 1800 slide, self-paced training package is loaded with informative topics. Pick and choose from the training and learn at your pace on your own schedule.

Completely Visualized in Full Color!
Learn Excel 2007 in full color. Every slide has rich illustrations to demonstrate the concept.

Self-Checks to Ensure Comprehension!
Click through the slides at your own pace. Every few slides, there will be a multiple choice question to ensure you've mastered recent concepts. These are the same concepts taught during Dr. Verschuuren's Excel Seminars. If you can't schedule Gerry at your office, then the next best thing is to buy this CD!

Module 1 - Regression Ananlysis (450 slides)
1. Basic Techniques
- Navigation
- Fill Handle
- Relative vs. Absolute
- Range Names
- Nested Functions
2. Single Regression
- Linear Regression
- Non-Linear Regression
- Curve Fitting
- Sigmoid Curves
- Predictability
3. Multiple Regression
- Correlations
- Number Looks
- Linear Estimates
4. Solving Equations
- Re-iterations and Matrices
- Solving Tools
- What-if Controls
5. Building Functions
- Functions Syntax
- Worksheet Functions
Module 2 - Data Analysis (450 slides)
1. Basic Techniques
- Navigation
- Fill Handle
- Relative vs. Absolute
- Range Names
- Nested Functions
2. Summaries
- Auto-numbering
- Subtotals
- Summary Functions
- Unique Lists
- Data Validation
3. Finding Specifics
- Conditional Formatting
- Filtering Tools
- Lookups
- Trends
4. Getting the Right Numbers
- Fixing Numbers
- Copying Formulas
- Multi-cell Arrays
- Single-cell Arrays
- Date Manipulation
- Time Manipulation
Module 3 - Plotting Data (450 slides)
1. Basic Techniques
- Navigation
- Fill Handle
- Relative vs. Absolute
- Range Names
- Nested Functions
2. Graph Basics
- Types of Graphs
- Source Data
- Combining Types
- Changing Locations
- Templates and Defaults
3. Axis Issues
- Scales
- More Axes
4. Bars and Error Bars
- Standard Deviations
- Residuals and More
5. Graph Markers
- Line Markers
- Interpolation
- Formulas
Module 4 - Statistical Analysis (450 slides)
1. Basic Techniques
- Navigation
- Fill Handle
- Relative vs. Absolute
- Range Names
- Nested Functions
2. Statistical Distributions
- Why Statistics
- Types of Distributions
- Simulating Distributions
- Sampling Techniques
- Some Conditions
3. Estimating Margins
- Margins of Means
- Margins of Proportions
4. Testing for Significance
- Significant Means
- Significant Proportions
- Significant Frequencies
5. Alternatives
- Chi-Squared Test
- Analysis of Variance