Charts And Graphs Microsoft Excel 2007
April 2007
After 15 years with no updates to the Excel charting engine, Microsoft has provided a complete rewrite of the chart rendering engine in Excel 2007. Charts can convey much more than numbers alone can because charts present data in a visual way that makes it easier to see the meaning behind the numbers.
Total Training for Microsoft Excel 2007 Advanced
March 2007
If you want to learn the advanced features of Excel 2007, this DVD is for you. Based on Bill Jelen's popular Power Excel Seminar, the DVD will walk you through the best features of Excel 2007. Learn pivot tables, automatic subtotals, charting, and more.
January 2007
Enable your students to become better at mathematics by using Excel. Discover powerful uses of Excel to help bring math concepts home for your students. This book uses examples with simple-to-follow step-by-step answers. Use the Excel knowledge gained from this book to develop many more applications for your classroom. Or, simply download the completed workbooks and put them to use in your classroom.
Special Edition Using Excel 2007
January 2007
This book is crafted to grow with you, providing the reference material you need as you move toward Excel proficiency and the use of more advanced features. If you buy only one book on Excel, Special Edition Using Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 is the book you need.
Pivot Table Data Crunching Microsoft Excel 2007
December 2006
This book consolidates all the best functionality of pivot tables into one guide that provides you with a meaningful tutorial, offering practical solutions to day-to-day problems.
Leveraging SmartArt Graphics in the 2007 Microsoft Office System
November 2006
Microsoft provides a fantastic new business diagramming engine in PowerPoint 2007, Word 2007, and Excel 2007 in the form of SmartArt™ graphics. The new SmartArt™ graphics allow you to create process charts, radial charts, organization charts, and more.
October 2006
From the basics of Excel to powerful features like Pivot Tables, learn how to use Excel in running your business. This book uses the do & learn style of teaching, enabling you to learn the techniqes in an easy yet definitive way, which will remain forever in the mind.
September 2006
This book covers real-life auditing problems that can be investigated with Excel. In the process of learning the solutions and the opportunities, you will become confident with the many capabilities of Excel and be able to use Excel to analyze data.