Charts and Graphs: Microsoft Excel 2013
February 2013
Use Excel 2013’s radically revamped charting and graphing tools to communicate more clearly, powerfully, and quickly… so you drive your message home, and get the decisions and actions you’re looking for!
February 2013
Get more out of Microsoft Excel® 2013: more productivity and better answers for greater success! Drawing on his unsurpassed Excel experience, Bill Jelen (“Mr Excel”) brings together all the intensely useful knowledge you need: insights, techniques, tips, and shortcuts you just won’t find anywhere else.
Pivot Table Data Crunching Microsoft Excel 2013
January 2013
Use Excel 2013 pivot tables and pivot charts to produce powerful, dynamic reports in minutes instead of hours… understand exactly what’s going on in your business… take control, and stay in control!
Excel 2010 Business Basics and Beyond
December 2012
Microsoft Excel is one of the most powerful tools a business owner, manager, or new employee has at their disposal, and this guide teaches how to harness business data and put it to use.
December 2012
Fundamentally of course, this book is intended to train you on PowerPivot. It captures the techniques I’ve learned from three years of teaching PowerPivot,
December 2012
Written specifically for finance managers, Excel for the CFO explains the best features of Excel that allow for the automation of regular processes and help reduce the processing time spent on analytics.
June 2012
If you are heading to a job interview this afternoon where you have to "Know Excel", read chapter 9 this morning to get the lingo down. You will have familiarity with the important features in Excel.