100 Excel Simulations
November 2016

- 213 Pages
- Publisher: Holy Macro! Books
- ISBN: 978-1-61547-048-8
- PDF ISBN: 978-1-61547-234-5
Covering a variety of Excel simulations, from gambling to genetics, this introduction is for people interested in modeling future events, without the cost of an expensive textbook. The simulations covered offer a fun alternative to the usual Excel topics and include situations such as roulette, password cracking, sex determination, population growth, and traffic patterns, among many others.
- The Die Is Cast
- Casting Six Dice
- Frequencies
- Roulette Machine
- Gambler’s Ruin
- Random Walk
- Gambling Strategy
- Cracking a Password
- The Mean of Means
- Sampling
- The Normal Distribution
- Normalizing
- Repeats
- Confidence Margins
- Power Curves
- Hidden Peaks
- Sampling Sizes
- Quality Control
- Sex Determination
- Radiation and Mutation
- Mendel
- Hardy-Weinberg Law
- Genetic Drift
- Lethal Homozygote
- Reduced Vitality
- Two Selective Forces
- Balanced Equilibrium
- Molecular Clock
- DNA Sequencing
- Risk Analysis
- Missing or Exceeding Targets
- Two-Dimensional Filters
- Scenarios
- Moving Averages
- Return on Investment
- Employee Stock Options
- Value at Risk
- Asian Options
- Black-Scholes Model
- Extrapolation
- Predator-Prey Cycle
- Homeostasis
- Taking Medication
- Population Pyramid
- Titration
- EC50 Determination
- Converter
- Conditional Training
- Epidemics
Monte Carlo Simulations
- Brownian Motion
- A Traffic Situation
- Uncertainties in Sales
- Exchange Rate Fluctuations
- Cost Estimates
- Market Growth
- Integration with Monte Carlo
- Win or Lose?
- Circular Gradients
- Single-Cell Arrays
- Data Management
- Solving Equations
- Least Squares Method
- Combining Scenarios
- Logistics
- Graph Manipulation
- Detecting Outliers
- False Positives
- Probability of Beliefs
- Unbiased Sampling
- Numbering Records
- Fiscal Year
- Stock Market
- Forecasting Temperatures
- Graph Manipulation
- Simulation of a Slot Machine
- Letter Game
- A Hawk-Dove Simulation
- Flock Behavior
- Simulation of Sick Cases
- Ehrenfest’s Urn Simulation
- Two Monte Carlo Integrations
- Randomness in Gene Pools
- Random Mating
- Differences in Fitness
- Loan Simulation
- Stock Volatility
- S&P 500 Performance
- Scenario Risks
- Temperature Fluctuations
- Juror Selection
- Waiting Time Simulation
- Project Delays
- Locking Cell References
- Nested functions
- What-If Tables
- Simulation Controls
- Index