want to create a bar chart that compares groups at 2 points in time, t1 vs t2. But instead of having them side by side, I want to have t2(now) as a bar and t1(before) as a horizontal line. Similar to what you can do with Tableau (for those who use it). Except it does not have to be Horizontal Bar Chart, can be just the normal vertical one.
Here is an example of the dataset that I have and how I need it to look like.
Here is an example of the dataset that I have and how I need it to look like.
<code style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: 0px; font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Lucida Console", "Liberation Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", monospace, sans-serif; white-space: inherit;">Metric WeekEnding Bucket1 Bucket2 Bucket3 Bucket4
Debt 16/09/2016 88 126 116 89
Debt 23/02/2017 61 87 65 82</code>