Give this formula a try...IS there a formula to get the date from a string like that: "wedsneday, 14 of june of 2016"??
Give this formula a try...
=0+MID(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1),"of ",""),FIND(" ",A1)+1,99)
This formula returns the date's serial number so you will need to apply the Date Cell Format of your choice to the cell you put it in.
Give this formula a try...
=0+MID(SUBSTITUTE(LOWER(A1),"of ",""),FIND(" ",A1)+1,99)
This formula returns the date's serial number so you will need to apply the Date Cell Format of your choice to the cell you put it in.
Are you saying the formula I posted is not working for you? Did you use it exactly like I posted it (except for changing the cell reference is your date string is not in cell A1)? Just so you know, the formula I posted works fine for me.I have tried your formula and another of mine, it works fine up until it has to sum the 0, basically, its doing "0+ 14 june 2016" which is returning #VALUE, any idea how to approach this?
Maybe your spaces are not actually "spaces" (ASCII 32)... if you got your data from the web, there is a good chance they are non-breaking spaces (ASCII 160). See if this version of my formula works for you...Correct. I'm trying exactly the one you posted, same reference, "wedsneday, 14 of june of 2016"(no quotes) in A1, and it's returning #Value!