Hi all,
First time poster here! I have some functionality I'd love to create in Excel but I'm not actually sure it's possible. Actually I doubt it's possible but crazier things have happened!
Would love if anyone could point me in the right direction! There are multiple steps so I'll outline below how I see it working, any input would be great! It's also important to note that the forumlas/code need to cater for future entries too, not just what currently exists.
Goal: I have a column with about 200 entries. Each entry consists of text and ranges from 0 - 600 characters. Most cells have 5-9 words in them that begin with #. I'd love to be able to create a list in a new sheet that lists all of these words and how often they've been used.
Step 1: I assume the first thing I need to do is run some sort of formula or code to leave only the words beginning with #. Can I loop through every word in a cell and replace the words that don't start with # with ""? (not sure if this is important to mention but as I don't want to touch the initial data all data in this cell will be a reference from elsewhere so the entry in A1 will actually be something like "=Original!A1")
E.g (starting) A1:This is a #cell in #Excel that contains text and other #stuff but also a number of #hashtag #topics
E.g (result) A1:#cell #Excel #stuff #hashtag #topics
Step 2:Now that I have a column just containing hashtags, I assume I'll need to separate each word to a separate cell for counting purposes. I think maybe I can use text to columns for this?
E.g. (starting) A1:#cell #Excel #stuff #hashtag #topics
E.g. (result) A2:#cell A3:#Excel A4:#stuff A5:#hashtag A6:#topics
Step 3: Yippee! So I now have an entire range of cells containing hashtags from B2 to J200. So far so good! This is the part I'm unsure is possible. What I need to do now (likely on another sheet) is create a list of all the hashtags used, ideally in one column. This list needs to be free of duplicates so before adding a new entry, I need excel to check if it already exists in the list. (I need it to work like an array almost, not sure if capitalisation will be an issue but I can force all to lowercase if necessary).
(result) B1:#cell C1:#Excel D1:#stuff E1:#hashtag F1:#topics
Step 4: This is probably the easiest part. Count how many times a phrase appears in the range of cells created in step 2 using the column created in Step 3 as a reference.
Formula (B2): =COUNTIF(Worksheet2!$B:$J, B2) (May not be exactly right but you know what I mean!
(result): B1: #cell B2:1 C1:#Excel C2: 73 etc.
So Excel gurus, am I crazy? Or is this actually possible?
First time poster here! I have some functionality I'd love to create in Excel but I'm not actually sure it's possible. Actually I doubt it's possible but crazier things have happened!

Goal: I have a column with about 200 entries. Each entry consists of text and ranges from 0 - 600 characters. Most cells have 5-9 words in them that begin with #. I'd love to be able to create a list in a new sheet that lists all of these words and how often they've been used.
Step 1: I assume the first thing I need to do is run some sort of formula or code to leave only the words beginning with #. Can I loop through every word in a cell and replace the words that don't start with # with ""? (not sure if this is important to mention but as I don't want to touch the initial data all data in this cell will be a reference from elsewhere so the entry in A1 will actually be something like "=Original!A1")
E.g (starting) A1:This is a #cell in #Excel that contains text and other #stuff but also a number of #hashtag #topics
E.g (result) A1:#cell #Excel #stuff #hashtag #topics
Step 2:Now that I have a column just containing hashtags, I assume I'll need to separate each word to a separate cell for counting purposes. I think maybe I can use text to columns for this?
E.g. (starting) A1:#cell #Excel #stuff #hashtag #topics
E.g. (result) A2:#cell A3:#Excel A4:#stuff A5:#hashtag A6:#topics
Step 3: Yippee! So I now have an entire range of cells containing hashtags from B2 to J200. So far so good! This is the part I'm unsure is possible. What I need to do now (likely on another sheet) is create a list of all the hashtags used, ideally in one column. This list needs to be free of duplicates so before adding a new entry, I need excel to check if it already exists in the list. (I need it to work like an array almost, not sure if capitalisation will be an issue but I can force all to lowercase if necessary).
(result) B1:#cell C1:#Excel D1:#stuff E1:#hashtag F1:#topics
Step 4: This is probably the easiest part. Count how many times a phrase appears in the range of cells created in step 2 using the column created in Step 3 as a reference.
Formula (B2): =COUNTIF(Worksheet2!$B:$J, B2) (May not be exactly right but you know what I mean!
(result): B1: #cell B2:1 C1:#Excel C2: 73 etc.
So Excel gurus, am I crazy? Or is this actually possible?