[FONT="Consolas"][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Navy"]Option Explicit
Function FindFiles(ByVal sPath As String, _
ByRef sFoundFiles() As String, _
ByRef iFilesFound As Integer, _
Optional ByVal sFileSpec As String = "*.*", _
Optional ByVal blIncludeSubFolders As Boolean = False) As Boolean
' FindFiles
' ---------
' Find all files matching the specified file spec, starting from the specified path
' and search subfolder as required.
' Parameters
' ----------
' sPath (String): Startup folder, e.g. "C:\Users\Username\Documents"
' sFoundFiles (String): Two dimensional array to store the path and name of found files.
' The dimension of this array is (1 To 2, 1 To nnn), where nnn is the number of found
' files. The elements of the array are:
' sFoundFiles(1, xxx) = File path (xxx = 1 to nnn)
' sFoundFiles(2, xxx) = File name
' iFilesFound (Integer): Number of files found.
' sFileSpec (String): Optional parameter with default value = "*.*"
' blIncludeSubFolders (Boolean): Optional parameter with default value = False
' (which means sub-folders will not be searched)
' Return values
' -------------
' True: One or more files found, therefore
' sFoundFiles = Array of paths and names of all found files
' iFilesFound = Number of found files
' False: No files found, therefore
' iFilesFound = 0
' ********************************** Important Note **********************************
' When searching for *.xls, FindFiles returns, in addition to xls files, xls* (not xls?)
' files (e.g. xlsX, xlsM, xlsWhatever, etc.). The reason is that FindFiles uses the Dir
' function and these files are returned by Dir! The most interesting thing here is that
' Windows search (including DOS DIR command) returns the same! It seems Excel Dir uses
' Windows search without any further checking or refinements.
' This is also true for *.doc and *.ppt files. Actually, this is true whenever a
' three-character file extension is specified; *.txt, *.pdf, *.x?s, etc.
' Moreover, if the last character of the specified extension was a question mark (?) or
' an asterisk (*), the returned files would be the same (e.g. *.txt? and *.txt* return
' the same files). This means, files with more than four-character extension are returned
' in both cases. This is exactly the same behaviour when specifying three-character
' extension (*.txt)…so weird!
' The aforementioned behaviour was observed in Windows 7 using Excel 2010 (mostly, Excel
' is not a key player here).
' Not everything is covered in this note as further tests might reveal more. So, keep
' these things in mind when using Dir or FindFile.
' Constructive comments and Reporting of bugs would be appreciated.
' **************************************************************************************
' Using the function (sample code)
' --------------------------------
' Dim iFilesNum As Integer
' Dim iCount As Integer
' Dim sMyFiles() As String
' Dim blFilesFound As Boolean
' blFilesFound = FindFiles("C:\Users\Username\Documents", _
' sMyFiles, iFilesNum, "*.xls", True)
' If blFilesFound Then
' For iCount = 1 To iFilesNum
' MsgBox "Path: " & sMyFiles(1, iCount) & vbNewLine & _
' vbNewLine & "File name: " & sMyFiles(2, iCount), _
' vbInformation, "Files Found"
' Next
' End If
Dim iCount As Integer [COLOR="Green"]'* Multipurpose counter[/COLOR]
Dim sFileName As String [COLOR="Green"]'* Found file name[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"] '*
'* FileSystem objects[/COLOR]
Dim oFileSystem As Object, _
oParentFolder As Object, _
oFolder As Object
Set oFileSystem = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
Set oParentFolder = oFileSystem.GetFolder(sPath)
If oParentFolder Is Nothing Then
FindFiles = False
On Error GoTo 0
Set oParentFolder = Nothing
Set oFileSystem = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
sPath = IIf(Right(sPath, 1) = "\", sPath, sPath & "\")
[COLOR="Green"] '*
'* Find files[/COLOR]
sFileName = Dir(sPath & sFileSpec, vbNormal)
Do While sFileName <> ""
iCount = UBound(sFoundFiles, 2)
iCount = iCount + 1
ReDim Preserve sFoundFiles(1 To 2, 1 To iCount)
sFoundFiles(1, iCount) = sPath
sFoundFiles(2, iCount) = sFileName
sFileName = Dir()
If blIncludeSubFolders Then
[COLOR="Green"] '*
'* Select next subforbers[/COLOR]
For Each oFolder In oParentFolder.SubFolders
FindFiles oFolder.Path, sFoundFiles, iFilesFound, sFileSpec, blIncludeSubFolders
End If
FindFiles = UBound(sFoundFiles, 2) > 0
iFilesFound = UBound(sFoundFiles, 2)
On Error GoTo 0
[COLOR="Green"] '*
'* Clean-up[/COLOR]
Set oFolder = Nothing
Set oParentFolder = Nothing
Set oFileSystem = Nothing
End Function[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]