There's alot going on in that this will be a bit of a read..
the row function of coarse returns the row # of a given cell reference.
D10, row = 10...
Simple enough.
By putting it in sumproduct ROW(D10:D249) creates an array of row #s
Mod returns the remainder after a devision.
MOD(10,3) = 1 because..
3 can be devided into 10 3 times
3X3 = 9
10-9 = 1
MOD(11,3) = 2
3 can be devided into 11 3 times
3X3 = 9
11-9 = 2
MOD(12,3) = 0
3 can be devided into 12 4 times
3X4 = 12
12-12 = 0
so MOD({10,11,12,13...etc...,249},3) becomes an array of the results of each mod.
So now you have
Then it tests if each result of the mod = 1, and returns TRUE or False for each
Then multiplying that array of true/false results by the numbers in D10:D249 coerces the true/false to 1/0 (True = 1, False = 0)
Then finally the sumproduct does what it does, and sums the result of the array of multiplications between each value in D10:D249 and the corresponding 1 or 0 in the array.
Clear as mud right?
Hope that helps.