I'm stumped
, I'm tired
, I'm frustrated
. Hopefully someone much smarter than I already has the answer.
Excel 2007, I'm trying to cheat into a "multi-box" by using a pivot table filter without a pivot table. I'd like to capture the selected values so I can pass into a SQL statement.
In my case the pivot table is "Division" and lets say the values are "Accounting", "Executive", "Sales", "Admin", "Development". If the user selects "Accounting" and "Executive", how can I grab those two values?

Excel 2007, I'm trying to cheat into a "multi-box" by using a pivot table filter without a pivot table. I'd like to capture the selected values so I can pass into a SQL statement.
In my case the pivot table is "Division" and lets say the values are "Accounting", "Executive", "Sales", "Admin", "Development". If the user selects "Accounting" and "Executive", how can I grab those two values?