i'm trying to loop through a folder of csv files, import them each into a separate workbook, and save as xls files into a different folder using the contents of a particular cell as the name of the xls.
i've found code for loops, but i don't have the expertise to customize for cvs files. and the save-as has been giving me fits.
any help would be appreciated!<code> <line break=""><line break=""> </line></line></code>
i'm trying to loop through a folder of csv files, import them each into a separate workbook, and save as xls files into a different folder using the contents of a particular cell as the name of the xls.
i've found code for loops, but i don't have the expertise to customize for cvs files. and the save-as has been giving me fits.
any help would be appreciated!<code> <line break=""><line break=""> </line></line></code>