You are right, let me explain the usage. I am tracking a software project.
I have a spreadsheet containing about 400 individual pieces of
the project. Across the top are the various stages for each piece (design, code, test, docs) with multiple colums for each (date, person, % done). Yes, I know Project might be better, but I'm not there yet.
In the name column of each phase (where the individual's name appears) I hyperlink to the defining document (design spec, MS Project plan, Doc outline, test plan, etc) for that phase. These things can change as the project does, or as people move, or whatever.
I save this sheet at the end of each day (ie, copy the sheet, and rename to the next date) so we have the history of the project.
I have a "compare" sheet, which is filled with the comparisons from each cell from one dated sheet to another. These comparisons are indirected to the particular sheet. For example, the pointer cells (AC1, AD1) might have 11-30 and 12-5 in them, so all the cells on those two sheets are compared.
The results of the compare are a 0 (when equal) or a 1 (when different) so
I can show the number of rows or columns that changed. This works fine for the values (or even formulas) in the individual cells. But the compare doesn't detect when the hyperlink attached to a cell changes.
=IF(INDIRECT("'"&$AC$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2))=INDIRECT("'"&$AD$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2))," ",1)
I added the function suggested above, which I add to the compare as in:
=IF(AND(INDIRECT("'"&$AC$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2))=INDIRECT("'"&$AD$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2)),CompareLinks(INDIRECT("'"&$AC$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2)),INDIRECT("'"&$AD$1&"'!"&CELL("address",A2))))," ",1)
This gives a #VALUE error. If I explicitly replace the indirects in the function calls with local cell names, it works fine. I can even use indirects if they point onto cells within this compare sheet. But when I try to compare the cells from two different sheets, it fails.
I would be happy to email the whole workbook to you, if you want it. I REALLY appreciate the help given so far. Thanks, Doug