I don't know about 2003, (it would work with 2010) you should check out the MapQuest API. You can get a free
KEY for 15,000 transactions a month. With the key you should be able to do a "WinHttpRequest to return a CSV which can be parsed into your spreadsheet. Something like this:
url = https://www.mapquestapi.com/geocoding/v1/reverse?key=[COLOR=#ff0000]KEY[/COLOR]&location=34.40561111%2C-83.21211111&outFormat=csv&thumbMaps=false&delimiter=%2C
would return a CSV like this:
"US","GA","Franklin","Martin","30557-4176","860 Baty Rd","34.405557","-83.212157","false","0","s","L1AAA","ADDRESS","L","34.405557","-83.212157"
This is very similar to how people were using the YahooFinance API before Yahoo closed it. If you searched this forum for posts relating to the YahooFinanance API, you will be able to see some samples of code with parsing that were being used and adjust them to fit your needs on MapQuest.
This may sound a little vague but I am trying to point you in the right direction...
Poke around this site:
For a free
KEY try here:
I hope this helps...