converting Figures to words it seems correction required


Well-known Member
Sep 4, 2015
Hi anyone your help will be appreciated

Though adopted the code from below link for converting form figures to words
It seems there is error some how not able to get it right

when i type in Textboxfigure.text = 10 or 10.00
I get as Rupees 10 and Paise only where as i would like the desired result to be Rupees Ten Only

Similarly when i type 0.25 i get
Rupees and Twenty Five Paise Only were as i would like to get as Twenty Five Paise only

what corrections needs to be done in the following code
Below is code adopted from

Function FnConvert(strNumber)

    blnDecimalExist = False
    strNumber = CStr(strNumber)
    If InStr(1, strNumber, ".", vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
        arrSplit = Split(strNumber, ".")
        strNumber = arrSplit(0)
        strDecimal = arrSplit(1)
        If Len(strDecimal) > 2 Then
            strDecimal = Mid(strDecimal, 0, 2)
        End If
        If Len(strDecimal) > 0 And Len(strDecimal) < 2 Then
            strDecimalConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strDecimal)
        End If
        If Len(strDecimal) > 1 And Len(strDecimal) < 3 Then
            strDecimalConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strDecimal)
        End If
        blnDecimalExist = True
    End If
    If Len(strNumber) > 0 And Len(strNumber) < 2 Then
        strTextConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strNumber)
    End If
    If Len(strNumber) > 1 And Len(strNumber) < 3 Then
        strTextConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strNumber)
    End If
    If Len(strNumber) > 2 And Len(strNumber) < 4 Then
        strTextConversion = FnGetHundreds(strNumber)
    End If
    If Len(strNumber) > 3 And Len(strNumber) < 6 Then
        If Len(strNumber) = 4 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsOne(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 5 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetThousandsTwo(strNumber)
        End If
    End If
     If Len(strNumber) > 5 And Len(strNumber) < 8 Then
       If Len(strNumber) = 6 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetLacsOne(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 7 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetLacsTwo(strNumber)
        End If
    End If
    If Len(strNumber) > 7 And Len(strNumber) < 15 Then
       If Len(strNumber) = 8 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreOne(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 9 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreTwo(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 10 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreThree(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 11 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFour(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 12 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreFive(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 13 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSix(strNumber)
        End If
        If Len(strNumber) = 14 Then
            strTextConversion = FnGetCroreSeven(strNumber)
        End If
    End If
    If blnDecimalExist Then
        strTextConversion = "Rupees " & strTextConversion & " and " & strDecimalConversion & " paise only"
        strTextConversion = "Rupees " & strTextConversion
    End If
    FnConvert = strTextConversion
End Function
Function FnGetCroreSeven(intN)
    Dim Str
    'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
    'If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Left(intN, 7)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 7))
     '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
    'End If
    FnGetCroreSeven = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreSix(intN)
    Dim Str
    'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
    'If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetLacsOne(Left(intN, 6)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 6))
     '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
    'End If
    FnGetCroreSix = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreFive(intN)
    Dim Str
    'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
    'If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Left(intN, 5)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 5))
     '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
    'End If
    FnGetCroreFive = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreFour(intN)
    Dim Str
    'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
    'If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetThousandsOne(Left(intN, 4)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 4))
     '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
    'End If
    FnGetCroreFour = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreThree(intN)
    Dim Str
    'temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 3))
    'If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetHundreds(Left(intN, 3)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
     '   Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 3))
    'End If
    FnGetCroreThree = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreTwo(intN)
    Dim Str
    temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " Crores " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
    End If
    FnGetCroreTwo = Str
End Function

Function FnGetCroreOne(intN)
    Dim Str
    temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Crore " & FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        Str = FnGetLacsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
    End If
     FnGetCroreOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetLacsTwo(intN)
    Dim Str
    temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " Lacs " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
    End If
    FnGetLacsTwo = Str
End Function
Function FnGetLacsOne(intN)
    Dim Str
     'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Lac " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
    temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Lac " & FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        Str = FnGetThousandsTwo(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
    End If
     FnGetLacsOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetThousandsTwo(intN)
    Dim Str
    'Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " Thousand " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
    temp = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetTensDigit(Left(intN, 2)) & " Thousand " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
        Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 2))
    End If
    FnGetThousandsTwo = Str
End Function
Function FnGetThousandsOne(intN)
    Dim Str
    'Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Thousand " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
    temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Thousand " & FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
        Str = FnGetHundreds(Right(intN, Len(intN) - 1))
    End If
    FnGetThousandsOne = Str
End Function
Function FnGetHundreds(intN)
    Dim Str
    temp = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1))
    If temp <> "" Then
        Str = FnGetUnitDigit(Left(intN, 1)) & " Hundred " & FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
        Str = FnGetTensDigit(Right(intN, 2))
    End If
    FnGetHundreds = Trim(Str)
End Function
Function FnGetTensDigit(intN)
    Dim Str
    If Left(intN, 1) = 1 Then
       Select Case Val(intN)
            Case 10: Str = "Ten"
            Case 11: Str = "Eleven"
            Case 12: Str = "Twelve"
            Case 13: Str = "Thirteen"
            Case 14: Str = "Fourteen"
            Case 15: Str = "Fifteen"
            Case 16: Str = "Sixteen"
            Case 17: Str = "Seventeen"
            Case 18: Str = "Eighteen"
            Case 19: Str = "Nineteen"
        End Select
        Select Case Val(Left(intN, 1))
            Case 2: Str = "Twenty"
            Case 3: Str = "Thirty"
            Case 4: Str = "Fourty"
            Case 5: Str = "Fifty"
            Case 6: Str = "Sixty"
            Case 7: Str = "Seventy"
            Case 8: Str = "Eighty"
            Case 9: Str = "Ninty"
        End Select
        Str = Str & " " & FnGetUnitDigit(Right(intN, 1))
    End If
    FnGetTensDigit = Trim(Str)
End Function
Function FnGetUnitDigit(intN)

    Dim Str

    Select Case Val(intN)
        Case 1: Str = "One"
        Case 2: Str = "Two"
        Case 3: Str = "Three"
        Case 4: Str = "Four"
        Case 5: Str = "Five"
        Case 6: Str = "Six"
        Case 7: Str = "Seven"
        Case 8: Str = "Eight"
        Case 9: Str = "Nine"
    End Select
        FnGetUnitDigit = Trim(Str)
End Function

in Textbox code
 Private Sub textboxFigure_Change() 
 If textboxFigure.Text = "" Then
    textboxWords.Text = ""
    textboxWords.Text = FnConvert(Format(textboxFigure.Text, "#.##"))
  End If

End Sub

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Excel Facts

When they said...
When they said you are going to "Excel at life", they meant you "will be doing Excel your whole life".
Revised code

'Change this

If blnDecimalExist Then
        strTextConversion = "Rupees " & strTextConversion & " and " & strDecimalConversion & " paise only"
        strTextConversion = "Rupees " & strTextConversion
    End If
'Change as

 If blnDecimalExist Then
 If strTextConversion <> "" Then
    If strDecimalConversion <> "" Then
    strTextConversion = strTextConversion & "Rupees and " & strDecimalConversion & " paise only"
    strTextConversion = strTextConversion & "Rupees only"
    End If
    If strDecimalConversion <> "" Then
    strTextConversion = strDecimalConversion & " paise only"
    strTextConversion = ""
    End If
End If
End If
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Thanks Kvsrinvasmurthyji

Really appreciate your help

unfortunately 5.20 reads as Five Rupees and Two paise only instead of Five Rupees and Twenty paise

It seems correction is required

Upvote 0
It seems there is Correction required in the following Thread

0.10 converts as One instead of Ten
0.20 converts as Two instead of Twenty
0.30 converts as Three instead of Thirty
0.40 converts as Four instead of Forty
0.50 converts as Five instead of Fifty
0.60 converts as Six instead of Sixty
0.70 converts as Seven instead of Seventy
0.80 converts as Eight instead of Eighty
0.90 converts as Nine instead of Eighty

0.01 converts as One ----> Correct
0.02 converts as Two ----> Correct
0.03 converts as Three ----> Correct
0.04 converts as Four ----> Correct
0.05 converts as Five ----> Correct
0.06 converts as Six ----> Correct
0.07 converts as Seven ----> Correct
0.08 converts as Eight ----> Correct
0.09 converts as Nine ----> Correct
and from 0.11 to 0.19 it converts correctly Also 0.22 converts correctly as Twenty Two and 0.56 also converts as Fifty Six correctly

Whats needs to be done here ?
If Len(strDecimal) > 2 Then
            strDecimal = Mid(strDecimal, 0, 2)
        End If
        If Len(strDecimal) > 0 And Len(strDecimal) < 2 Then
            strDecimalConversion = FnGetUnitDigit(strDecimal)
        End If
        If Len(strDecimal) > 1 And Len(strDecimal) < 3 Then
            strDecimalConversion = FnGetTensDigit(strDecimal)
        End If
 End If
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Can anyone help or refer the thread who has worked and overcome the above error as per post 4
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Re: Excel does not recognise the figure of Zero at the unit place with Tens

In your Format function call, using a # means you get a number in the location it is at only if there is any digit to fill it when there is another digit following it, but if the # being filled is at the end of the number and after the decimal point, only a non-zero digit can fill it. If you want to force trailing zeroes, use 0 instead of #.

Amounted$ = Format(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, "0.00")
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Re: Excel does not recognise the figure of Zero at the unit place with Tens

Dear Rick

Whether Amounted$ = Format(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, "0.00") or Amounted$ = Format(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, "#.##")
the Zero in Units place does not recognises at all and therefore it misses.
Amounted$ = Format(UserForm1.TextBox1.Text, "0.00") i purposely incorporated to check for the desired result.
There should be no error at all with using Format or not using Format.
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