Hello Everyone, first-time poster,
Basically, I have two different slicers, from two different data cubes, filtering multiple pivot tables on multiple different (hidden) sheets throughout this workbook - the values from these pivot tables are used on the front page of the report. The slicers are as follows, they control only time-based scenarios, month to date, year to date, quarter to date figures, (the name of the value in both cubes is "No_Time_Filters"). All pivot table connections have been made (IE: the profitcatcher slicer filters all pivot tables from the profitcatcher cube, and the same goes for the sales cube). As you'll see the sales slicer is slightly different from the profitcatcher slicer in that it contains the "Rolling 10 Weeks" value, which isn't really important to me.
What I need to have happen is to have the slicers sync up such that what i would select on the profitcatcher slicer, is automatically selected on the sales slicer. If I can get this to happen, I'd like to put the profitcatcher slicer on the front page and hide this sheet that contains the sales slicer, so that the end user who views this report really doesn't even care what a slicer is, just that they get the time value they want. I've only started to dabble with VBA since i was tasked with making this report, so, admittedly I am quite green at this, but from the research I've done, I assume VBA would have to be used.
I had a secondary idea where I could create radio boxes on the front page, for the desired time values (Ex: MTD, YTD, Previous Month, Previous Day, etc), and assign then a macro (or, again, some sort of VBA code) that would change the value on both slicers, which I would put on a hidden sheet away from the end user. In my mind, this seems easier than syncing the slicers as, presumably, you could just assign the macro to change both values on each slicer to the same thing, eliminating the "syncing" aspect.
I also had a third idea in which if it were possible to have plain text match the slicer value in a cell (say, MTD, Prior month, etc) i could create a drop-down menu for the desired effect.
I'm the first to admit, I'm a novice with this VBA stuff, so any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.
Basically, I have two different slicers, from two different data cubes, filtering multiple pivot tables on multiple different (hidden) sheets throughout this workbook - the values from these pivot tables are used on the front page of the report. The slicers are as follows, they control only time-based scenarios, month to date, year to date, quarter to date figures, (the name of the value in both cubes is "No_Time_Filters"). All pivot table connections have been made (IE: the profitcatcher slicer filters all pivot tables from the profitcatcher cube, and the same goes for the sales cube). As you'll see the sales slicer is slightly different from the profitcatcher slicer in that it contains the "Rolling 10 Weeks" value, which isn't really important to me.
What I need to have happen is to have the slicers sync up such that what i would select on the profitcatcher slicer, is automatically selected on the sales slicer. If I can get this to happen, I'd like to put the profitcatcher slicer on the front page and hide this sheet that contains the sales slicer, so that the end user who views this report really doesn't even care what a slicer is, just that they get the time value they want. I've only started to dabble with VBA since i was tasked with making this report, so, admittedly I am quite green at this, but from the research I've done, I assume VBA would have to be used.

I had a secondary idea where I could create radio boxes on the front page, for the desired time values (Ex: MTD, YTD, Previous Month, Previous Day, etc), and assign then a macro (or, again, some sort of VBA code) that would change the value on both slicers, which I would put on a hidden sheet away from the end user. In my mind, this seems easier than syncing the slicers as, presumably, you could just assign the macro to change both values on each slicer to the same thing, eliminating the "syncing" aspect.
I also had a third idea in which if it were possible to have plain text match the slicer value in a cell (say, MTD, Prior month, etc) i could create a drop-down menu for the desired effect.
I'm the first to admit, I'm a novice with this VBA stuff, so any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.