Use the AutoSum Button to Enter Averages, Min, Max, and Count

January 05, 2022 - by

Use the AutoSum Button to Enter Averages, Min, Max, and Count

Problem: I often enter totals formulas, but in this case, I need to enter an average formula. How can I do it quickly?

There are a series of temperature readings in B5:B16. You are in B17 and want an average of the numbers in the column.
Figure 256. Average the readings.

Strategy: You use the dropdown arrow located next to the AutoSum button. Instead of selecting Sum, you select the Average option.

There is a drop-down menu to the right of the AutoSum in the Ribbon. Open that menu, and you have choices for Sum, Average, Count Numbers, Max, and Min. Click Average and the AutoSum logic will run, but with the AVERAGE function instead of the SUM function.
Figure 257. The AutoSum dropdown offers additional functions.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Crissy Jarvis on Unsplash