Share a Dashboard With Your Manager

May 29, 2023 - by

Share a Dashboard With Your Manager

Right-click a dashboard name in the left navigation and choose Share. In the right panel, specify an e-mail address. Choose if that person can share the dashboard with others or not.

The Share Dashboard panel offers a place where you can share the dashboard with an e-mail address.
Figure 1130. E-mail a link to your manager.
While shareing, a notice says that Recipients will have access to the same data, reports, and workbooks as you have in this dashboard, Unless their access is restricted by row-level security defined for the data set.  Two checkboxes Allow Recipients to Share Your Dashboard and Send E-Mail Notification to Recipients.
Figure 1131. Choose if your manager can share it with others.
The second tab in the Share Dashboard panel is called "Access". It shows all people who have been granted access to the dashboard.
Figure 1132. Or, use the Access panel to get a sharing link.

Problem: Anyone with the sharing link can access our dashboard? Isn't that dangerous?

Strategy: Yes. You, me, and a lot of other people are waiting for an "On Premise" version of Power BI. But once it arrived and we saw the price tag, maybe sharing is not so risky.

There are apps for Android and IOS. Sign in on your mobile device and you can consume and interact with your dashboards on your phone or tablet.

Problem: Anyone with the sharing link can access our dashboard? Isn't that dangerous?

Strategy: Yes. You, me, and a lot of other people are waiting for an "On Premise" version of Power BI. But once it arrived and we saw the price tag, maybe sharing is not so risky.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash