Quick Reaction to Excel 2013
July 17, 2012 - by Bill Jelen
I was recently asked for my opinion of the "modern" Excel 2013. Appearance aside, I see two thrusts in this release:
- For the complete Excel rookie, the data lens and flash fill, plus "suggested" pivot tables and charts.
- For the Excel guru, they’ve made PowerPivot native, added PowerView, plus a nice Timeline slicer for pivot tables, 69 new formula functions, including some that will retrieve data from a web service. The IsFormula and FormulaText functions will make conditional formatting of formulas easy now.
The Excel Apps concept will make everyone in between happy. I am happy with the release – I am trying to think through a 9 minute summary video to post on YouTube and I am not sure I can get everything in.
The appearance? I don’t like it. But I can work in Excel with my eyes closed. I can live with any "modern" look they throw at me. The new look will make it easier to "touch" Excel on the forthcoming tablet, so I can live with it.