August 10, 2017 - by Bill Jelen

To convert Roman numerals to Arabic, use =ARABIC
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- To convert Roman numerals to Arabic, use
- To convert numbers to Roman, use
- ROMAN is only valid from 1 to 3999
- ARABIC works with any nonsensical mix of IVXLCDM, up to 254 characters
- CONCAT - New in Feb 2016
- Repeat 254 M with =REPT("M",254)
- See my rocket photography at
Auto-Generated Transcript
- Learn Excel from MrExcel Podcast Episode
- two thousand mmm well I hey this one's a
- couple heat isn't it yeah 2001-2002 came
- out when I was recording there's other
- ones I said I gotta take a break for two
- thousand to do something special right
- you know like maybe have a special price
- in the booklet here's what I'm gonna do
- I'm gonna give away a free excerpt of
- the book everything covering episodes
- 1974 through 2002 it's about a fifth of
- the book over 50 pages PDF and I'm going
- to get your help in the process of
- giving this way because up in episode
- 2030 and I need some geographic data to
- show off power map or 3d maps so I
- created a survey here the link to the
- survey is down in the YouTube comments
- down there or you can type this tinyurl
- I want to get to your country and postal
- code and will be mapping that data in
- 2038 everyone who answers i'll send you
- a link on friday for the PDF also
- there's a question in there it says
- what's your favorite Excel tip that you
- haven't seen on the podcast now the best
- one of those wins an excel guru mission
- patch more on that later alright so the
- title of the episode is mm or mm and
- that of course is the roman numeral for
- 2,000 but starting at excel 2013 they
- introduced this crazy function called
- arabic it takes roman numerals and
- converts them back all right so we'd see
- that mmm is 2000 the book is called mr.
- XL XL that XL is 40 it's my 40th book
- and it has 40 great tips and in February
- the Super Bowl which was last year with
- Super Bowl 50 is now going back to Super
- Bowl Li and when your friends are
- sitting around watching football they're
- like what the heck is Li mean you can
- pull up this spreadsheet and show them
- that Li is 51 right so we've had Roman
- for a long time the Roman function has
- been in there I always make fun of the
- Roman function who the heck could use
- the Roman function and the Roman
- functions been there but then they added
- this silly function that goes backwards
- from Roman numerals back to regular
- number is also known as Arabic numbers
- now here's the thing with Roman roamin
- does not work beyond 3999 that's as far
- as it goes if you put 4,000 in there or
- any number larger than 4,000 it is
- be a value error how but the weird thing
- about Arabic is that the Arabic function
- will deal with anything things that make
- no sense at all so here let's just build
- a just some random data here so equal
- index of all of those valid Roman
- numerals up there press f4 to lock that
- down and ran between 1 comma 7 that
- gives us integers between one and seven
- and I'll just get a big string of those
- here like this and i'll use the brand
- new function that just came out in
- February of 2016 of cat cat will
- concatenate all that together without me
- having to specify each one that is a
- beautiful functions though there is a
- crazy random Roman numeral that if you
- showed that to Caesar he would probably
- cut your head off because it is
- completely nonsensical but the Arabic
- function has no problem trying to decode
- that and changing it into a number of
- will calculate calculate calculate look
- at all these crazy numbers that are
- completely invalid but yet the Arabic
- function does its best to try and figure
- it out you can even equal our EPT of M
- comma up to 250 for MS which would give
- you 250 4000 again completely illegal in
- Roman numeral times they you just
- couldn't go above 3999 that was it that
- was the limit but the Arabic function is
- somehow making it work so hey back to
- this survey I'll give you a free PDF for
- the first 50 some pages of the book
- everything we've covered so far you
- might have heard that we moved down to
- Florida and since we moved down to
- Florida mrs. Excel and I have a great
- new hobby working with a company called
- we report space and we go out and set up
- remote cameras for all the rocket
- launches that happen here in Cape
- Canaveral this is a string of photos
- that we shot from about 150 yards from
- the the rocket is it locked we weren't
- 150 years from rocket we go out the day
- ahead of time and we set those cameras
- and one of the interesting things about
- this whole culture of rocket launch is
- it every launch company for every rocket
- they have a mission patch right these
- mission patches and people collect these
- mission patches and so we have
- drawer full of these now you know we've
- been down here full time for a year at
- this point and so the guy who designs
- these is a guy named Tim Gagnon you
- might know Mon line as KSC artist I went
- to him I said hey Tim once you make me a
- prize I can give it up my power Excel
- seminars when someone gives me a tip
- that I never heard of so the new excel
- guru mission patch just like all these
- rocket missions that's what you can win
- for an excel tip that I've never heard
- before even in the YouTube comments if
- you comment and I've never heard that
- before i'll be getting in contact with
- you and sending you one of the excel
- guru mission patches the old pins we
- used to have an animal pins which were
- great if you were alive in person but
- every time i mailed an enamel pin out
- the thing would break the pin would
- break off the back it was just
- impossible these are nice and flat it'll
- work out great alright episode recap we
- introduced the Arabic function brand new
- and Excel 2013 to convert Roman numerals
- to regular numbers of course you always
- been able to go to Roman numerals using
- the Roman function Roman only works from
- 1-230 999 Arabic will work with any
- nonsensical mix of the characters I VXL
- c d or em up to 250 four of those took a
- look at kicking cat which we've already
- talked about in the podcast new in
- February 2016 of course index and ran
- between take a moment fill out the
- survey i'll send you a first 50 pages of
- the book have a chance to win some cool
- prizes way i want to thank you for
- stopping by we'll see you next time for
- another banette cast from MrExcel
Download File
Download the sample file here: Podcast2000.xlsm
Title Photo: Alexas_Fotos / Pixabay