Load a List of File Names into Excel

February 17, 2023 - by

Load a List of File Names into Excel

Problem: Windows Explorer will show you a list of files in a folder, You can sort by name, sort by date, sort by size. But sometimes it would be great to have this list in Excel.

Strategy: Power Query makes this simple.

  • 1. Select Power Query, From File, From Folder.

  • 2. Browse to your folder. Click OK.

  • 3. You initially see useful columns like Date Modified, File Name, but important columns such as Size are missing. Find the Attributes column and click the Expand icon. You are now given a list of additional fields that you can add to the grid.

The Attributes column has an icon with diverging arrows to Expand the Table. Open it and choose new fields to add. to the grid.
Figure 1013. The Expand icon often has hidden fields.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Beatriz Pérez Moya on Unsplash