Hide Values Using a Number Format

September 28, 2023 - by

Hide Values Using a Number Format

Problem: Why did you use the white font to hide those cells? Isn’t there a custom number format to hide values?

Strategy: Yes. You could select the cells, press Ctrl+1, then choose Custom and type three semi-colons to hide the text in the cell.

Format Cells, Number, Custom. Type three semi-colons as the type in order to hide data. ;;;
Figure 1337. Using ;;; will hide the cell contents.

Gotcha: While nothing will appear in the cells, if someone selects the cell, they can see the cell formula in the formula bar. If the cell contains a constant (i.e. anything other than a formula), then they will see the cell value as well.

With the ;;; custom format, you can still see the value if you select the cell and look in the formula bar.
Figure 1338. The cells are hidden, except in the formula bar.

The other problem with this method: if the data is being used in a chart, then the labels along both axis of the chart will be hidden as well. Here is the chart before hiding the data:

A chart has labels along the X-axis:
Line 1
Line 2
Figure 1339. Both axis have labels.

After hiding the data, the axis labels are gone.

When you hide the data in the grid using ;;; the labels are also hidden in the chart.
Figure 1340. Axis labels are hidden when the range is hidden.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by imso gabriel on Unsplash