Flash Fill
October 04, 2017 - by Bill Jelen

Flash Fill debuted in 2013. It is an oddity, but it can be used to transform columns of data quickly. Join columns with text, extract data from columns, all by giving Excel 1 or 2 examples of the final result.
Excel 2013 added a new data-cleansing tool called Flash Fill. In the figure below, you see full names in column A. You want to get the person’s first initial and last name in column B. Rather than try to puzzle out =PROPER(LEFT(A2,1)&" "&MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,50))
, you simply type a sample of what you want in B2.

Type the first initial in B3. Excel sees what you are doing and “grays in” a suggested result.

Press Enter to accept the suggestion. Bam! All of the data is filled in.
Look carefully through your data for exceptions to the rule. Two people here have middle initials. Do you want the middle initial to appear? If so, correct the suggestion for Dennis P. Jancsy in cell B4. Flash Fill will jump into action and fix Martha K. Wendel in B9 and any others that match the new pattern. The status bar will indicate how many changes were made.

An on-grid dropdown menu appears. Open this, and you can select the cells that were just changed. Change the font color and the filter by color to inspect them.
In the above case, Excel gurus could have figured out the formula. But Flash Fill is easier. In the following case, it would be harder to write a formula to get the last word from a phrase that has a different number of words and more than one hyphen.

Flash Fill makes this easy. Go to cell B3. Press Ctrl + E to invoke Flash Fill.

Note that Flash Fill will not automatically fill in numbers. If you have numbers, you might see Flash Fill temporarily “gray in” a suggestion but then withdraw it. This is your signal to press Ctrl + E to give Flash Fill permission to fill in numbers.
Thanks to Chad Rothschiller at Microsoft for building this feature. Thanks also tto Olga Kryuchkova.
Watch Video
- Flash Fill was introduced in Excel 2013
- It is great for parsing (breaking apart) text
- It is great for concatenating as well
- Make sure the new column has a heading
- Type the entry for the first row
- Start to type the entry for the second row - the results will grey in.
- Press enter to accept the results
- You can correct an entry after Flash Fill and it will correct others that match the new pattern.
- You can invoke Flash Fill with Ctrl + E
- Flash fill tends not to work automatically with numbers.
- But you can still use it for numbers by using Ctrl + E
Video Transcript
Learn Excel from MrExcel podcast, episode 2041 - Flash Fill!
I'll be podcasting all of my tips from the book, click the “i” on the top-right hand corner to get to the playlist!
Alright, just a quick ProgramNote. The original intent here was we had 40 tips in the book, and it took me about 61 podcasts to get through those 40 tips, because there were some tips that took 2 or 3 or 4 episodes to get through those. And now, all of a sudden we jump from episode 40 to episode 62, what's going on there? Well, after the first section of the book “Top 40 Excel tips”, there are 40 keyboard shortcuts, and then Section 3, another 30 tips for Excel’s 30th birthday! And most of these tips were not written by me, they're written by my co-author’s Szilvia. So I'm not going to be podcasting Szilvia's content, but I am picking up where I picked up, which was tip #22 in Section 3, which is really tip #62. And so here we are, I will get you tip 62-70 over the next week or so, alright.
Today, we're talking about a great new feature that came along and Excel 2013 called Flash Fill. Let's say that we needed something crazy, like first-initial-last name. Could I do that with a formula? Sure, =LEFT of this, ,1 , that's easy, but then I have to do a FIND to find the space, and do a MID starting from that FIND, out to the length of the whole thing. But watch how easy this is with flash fill, like I just give it a sample, so type the 1st one in the format that I want, so here I'm using “firstinitial. lastname”, but only the first letter is capitalized. As soon as I press Enter and type the G here, they will detect what I'm doing, and they will fill it in correctly, alright.
Now, at this point, we have one chance to make a correction. 2 people have a middle initial, do I want the middle initial to appear? If I do, I go to one of those, and I edit, F2, P. See, it kind of has a little shadow back here, saying that this is the whole flash fill area, and they're going to reevaluate that whole area when I press Enter. And sure enough, flash fill, Changed Cells: 1. Martha K. Wendel now shows up as M. K. Wendell, so you can make one correction after the fact, cool huh?
This is also great for doing things that would be a lot harder to do, breaking text apart. If I wanted to grab the word “consulting” from the end, I just type the first one, and then here I'm going to press Ctrl+E. Ctrl+E is the shortcut for flash fill, it's also back here on the Data tab, that icon there, but Ctrl+E will allow you to invoke that. Now hey, one thing to be careful about is with flash fill, flash fill is programmed to never automatically fill numbers. So if you wanted to fill numbers, see when I start to type the 11 here, they're going to grade in, and then they're likely to take it away. So type a couple to give it a pattern, and then go to the blank cell and press Ctrl+E, and they will correctly get that. Alright, not just 40 tips in the book, but bonus tips, buy the whole book, save some time, it's dripping with spicy tips, click the “i” on the top-right hand corner.
Alright, Flash Fill was introduced in Excel 2013, is great for parsing or concatenating text. The new column, the Flash Fill column, has to have a heading, otherwise they're not going to detect that you're trying to use flash fill. Type the entry for the 1st row, as soon as you start to type the answer for the 2nd row, the results will grey in, press Enter to accept those results. Once the results are there, correct another entry, and flash fill will go through looking for things that match the new pattern. You can invoke flash fill with Ctrl+E, so type the first one, go to the next blank cell, Ctrl+E, it tends not to work automatically with numbers, but you can still use it for numbers by using Ctrl+E.
Well hey, I want to thank you for stopping by, we'll see you next time for another netcast from MrExcel!
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