Excel 2024: Temporarily Make Formula Bar Font Size Larger

February 05, 2025 - by

Excel 2024: Temporarily Make Formula Bar Font Size Larger

Say you have a Zoom or Teams call and you temporarily need to make the font size in the formula bar larger.

Go to File, Options, General. Change the Font Size setting.

You need to exit and restart Excel for the font changes to take effect. When you re-open Excel, the formula bar font is larger.

After your Zoom or Teams call, remember to change this setting back. Otherwise, Excel will feel wonky with all new workbooks containing a large font.


Every year, I get some strange questions on my YouTube channel. The following topics were answered on YouTube but have not been in this book. They will likely only be in this edition, so enjoy them.

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2024 Igniting Excel

Title photo by Alexander Andrews on Unsplash