Excel 2020: Use a Wildcard in VLOOKUP

August 12, 2020 - by

Excel Use a Wildcard in VLOOKUP. Photo Credit: Josh Appel at Unsplash.com

You can do a sort of fuzzy match with VLOOKUP. If you aren‘t sure if your lookup table will contain Apple, Apple Computer, or Apple Computer Inc, you can use =VLOOKUP("Apple*",Table,2,False), and Excel will find the first item in the lookup table that starts with Apple.

Thanks to -Khalif John Clark.


Microsoft Labs offers a free Fuzzy Lookup add-in for Excel. See Excel 2020: Use the Fuzzy Lookup Tool from Microsoft Labs

Title Photo: Josh Appel at Unsplash.com

This article is an excerpt from MrExcel 2020 - Seeing Excel Clearly.