Copy The Personal Macro Workbook To Another Computer

June 09, 2021 - by

Copy The Personal Macro Workbook To Another Computer

Challenge: You have a bunch of cool macros in your Personal Macro Workbook. You would like to get them in a co-worker’s Personal Macro Workbook.

Setup: This process is not as daunting as it may seem. Basically, you need to save your Personal.xls file with a new name, send that file to the co-worker, and drag modules from your workbook to your co-worker’s workbook in the VBA editor.

Solution: Follow these steps to save your Personal.xls file:

  1. Open the VBA editor by pressing Alt+F11.
  2. Find Personal.xls in the Project Explorer. Click on this entry once.
  3. Click the Save icon in the toolbar to ensure that your latest changes are saved (Figure 136).
  4. Press Ctrl+G to display the immediate window.
  5. In the immediate window, type ThisWorkbook.SaveAs “C:\MyPersonal. xls”. You can use any folder you like, but make sure to save it with a name other than Personal.xls.
  6. Close Excel.
  7. Navigate to the folder from step 5. E-mail MyPersonal.xls to your co-worker.

    Figure 136. You choose Personal.xls in the Project Explorer.
    Figure 136. You choose Personal.xls in the Project Explorer.

On your co-worker’s computer, follow these steps:

  1. Open Excel.
  2. Open to VBA editor by pressing Alt+F11. If this computer does not already have a Personal.xls file in the Project Explorer, create one by choosing to record a new macro and specifying that it should be saved in Personal. xls. When the macro recorder starts, move to a new cell and then stop recording. This will create the Personal.xls in the proper folder.
  3. Open MyPersonal.xls on this computer.
  4. In the VBA Project Explorer, expand Personal.xls so you can see the modules entry. Expand MyPersonal.xls so you can see each individual module.
  5. Drag the modules from MyPersonal.xls into the Modules folder in Personal. xls (Figure 137).
  6. Close Excel. Reopen Excel. All the macros will have been copied into Personal.xls on the new computer.
Figure 137. You drag modules from MyPersonal.xls to Personal.xls on the new computer.
Figure 137. You drag modules from MyPersonal.xls to Personal.xls on the new computer.

Summary: You can copy macros from your Personal.xls file to other computers.

Title Photo: Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

This article is an excerpt from Excel Gurus Gone Wild.