Copy The Personal Macro Workbook To Another Computer
June 09, 2021 - by Bill Jelen
Challenge: You have a bunch of cool macros in your Personal Macro Workbook. You would like to get them in a co-worker’s Personal Macro Workbook.
Setup: This process is not as daunting as it may seem. Basically, you need to save your Personal.xls file with a new name, send that file to the co-worker, and drag modules from your workbook to your co-worker’s workbook in the VBA editor.
Solution: Follow these steps to save your Personal.xls file:
- Open the VBA editor by pressing Alt+F11.
- Find Personal.xls in the Project Explorer. Click on this entry once.
- Click the Save icon in the toolbar to ensure that your latest changes are saved (Figure 136).
- Press Ctrl+G to display the immediate window.
- In the immediate window, type ThisWorkbook.SaveAs “C:\MyPersonal. xls”. You can use any folder you like, but make sure to save it with a name other than Personal.xls.
- Close Excel.
Navigate to the folder from step 5. E-mail MyPersonal.xls to your co-worker.
On your co-worker’s computer, follow these steps:
- Open Excel.
- Open to VBA editor by pressing Alt+F11. If this computer does not already have a Personal.xls file in the Project Explorer, create one by choosing to record a new macro and specifying that it should be saved in Personal. xls. When the macro recorder starts, move to a new cell and then stop recording. This will create the Personal.xls in the proper folder.
- Open MyPersonal.xls on this computer.
- In the VBA Project Explorer, expand Personal.xls so you can see the modules entry. Expand MyPersonal.xls so you can see each individual module.
- Drag the modules from MyPersonal.xls into the Modules folder in Personal. xls (Figure 137).
- Close Excel. Reopen Excel. All the macros will have been copied into Personal.xls on the new computer.
Summary: You can copy macros from your Personal.xls file to other computers.
Title Photo: Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash
This article is an excerpt from Excel Gurus Gone Wild.