Convert Text to Time

July 13, 2022 - by

Convert Text to Time

Problem: I have a spreadsheet where the times were imported as text.

Strategy: Use TIMEVALUE to convert the text to time. However, the text dates have to be in the correct format.

Below, text entries in column A are converted with TIMEVALUE in column B. Some formats work. Others do not.

The TIMEVALUE function can interpret a lot of different text entries for time. There are a few that cause problems: If the minutes or seconds is 61 or higher. Or, if there is no space between the time and AM or PM.
Figure 570. Results of TIMEVALUE.

One common issue is that TIMEVALUE requires a space between the time and AM or PM. If you have a lot of text like cell D11 above, try using Find and Replace to change “AM” to “ AM” and “PM” to “ PM”.

Another problem: both TIME and TIMEVALUE will not return a number greater than 23 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds. In row 8 above, the entry in interpreted as 123 hours and 40 minutes. This is 5 days and 3 hours. TIMEVALUE figures this out, but then truncates the 5 days and only returns 3 hours. If you had data entered in this format, you could use a formula such as: =LEFT(A8,FIND(“:”,A8)-1)*(1/24)+MID(A8,FIND(“:”,A8)+1,50)*(1/1440).

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash