Combine Validation with AutoComplete

February 05, 2024 - by

Combine Validation with AutoComplete

Problem: The Validation dropdown is horrible for keyboard people. You can’t quickly jump to an item in the dropdown.

Strategy: Combine AutoComplete with Validation. Several viewers of the Learn Excel from MrExcel podcast sent in this idea when I complained about the lack of keyboard support for validation. Thus, I am guessing that the trick must be fairly widespread.

Say that you want to enter products in column D.

Insert several rows above the D1 heading and store the list above the heading. Set up the validation below the heading.

When someone who is a mouse person comes along, they will open the dropdown and use the mouse as usual.

A hack for getting AutoComplete to work in Data Validation:  Cell D8 is where someone should select a product. D7 says Product.  D1:D6 contain the complete list of products: Apple Banana Cherrry Dill Eggplant Fish. If a person prefers to type instead of using the mouse, AutoComplete will kick in due to the product list in D1:D6. It is not a perfect solution, but it works in some cases.
Figure 1489. Validation works with the mouse.

If someone who is a keyboard person comes along, they can start typing the entry. The AutoComplete will offer an item from the list above the heading.

This shows the AutoComplete hack at work. Someone entered three products in D8 through D10 and then starts to type Eggplant in D11. As soon as you type E, the AutoComplete offers Eggplant. Press Tab to accept the entry.
Figure 1490. AutoComplete works for keyboard people.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Sergi Kabrera on Unsplash