Break Data Apart Using Flash Fill
December 14, 2021 - by Bill Jelen

Problem: Using LEFT, MID, RIGHT, FIND, and LEN makes my head hurt.

Strategy: Excel 2013 introduced a new Flash Fill feature that simplifies this process.
Say you want to break out the left, center, or right portion of the account ID in column A. Add a heading above column B. Type a sample of what data you want to break out from column A. Select the blank cell under your sample. Press Ctrl+E to invoke Flash Fill. Excel will fill in the remaining values.

Flash Fill will use any of the columns in the current region. Press Ctrl+E from C3 and then from D3 and you will fill all three columns.

Additional Details: Sometimes the first row of the data produces an ambigious example. For example, imagine if the part number was 999-999-999, Excel would not know if you wanted the first, second, or third segment. In this case, type an example in row 2, another example in row 3, and then Ctrl+E from B4.
Other times, there are two sets of rules that need to be applied. In the Figure below, you are trying to break out the first name from column A.

After applying Flash Fill, you can correct a later cell that represents the other rule. Type Mary Ellen in B4 and press Enter. Flash Fill will look for other examples of three names and fix those.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel
Title photo by Jennifer Lim-Tamkican on Unsplash