Assign a Macro to a Shortcut Key

November 10, 2021 - by

Assign a Macro to a Shortcut Key

Problem: I need a fast way to run a macro that I’ve added to the Personal Macro Workbook.

Strategy: You can assign up to 26 macros to Ctrl+Shift+A through Ctrl+Shift+Z. Follow these steps.

  • 1. Press Alt+F8 to display a list of macros.

  • 2. Click on the desired macro name.

  • 3. Click the options button. In the Options dialog, type a shortcut key. Note to assign a macro to Ctrl+Shift+S, you simply type Shift+S into the box. Click OK.

Additional Details: You can assign a macro to the unshifted shortcut keys. But, if you assign the ToggleSign macro to Ctrl+S, you will not be able to Save using Ctrl+S anymore. Plus, any time that you try to Save with Ctrl+S, you will be toggling the sign of selected cells.

This article is an excerpt from Power Excel With MrExcel

Title photo by Aryan Dhiman on Unsplash