Excel Tips

Change All Print Settings in Excel »

August 6, 2021

Print settings appear in many different places in Excel. I am never sure if I should go to Page Setup, the Print dialog, or the Options button in the Print dialog.

Increase the Number of Workbooks in the Recent Files List »

August 5, 2021

I routinely open the same 20 workbooks. How can I use the Recent Files list to make my life easier?

Why Does The File Menu Cover The Entire Screen? »

August 3, 2021

I opened the File menu, and it covers my worksheet.

Which File Format Should I Use? »

August 2, 2021

I’ve been using .xls files for years. What are these new .xlsx, .xlsm, .xlsb, xlam, and .ods file types? Which should I use?

Why Do I Have Only 65,536 Rows? »

July 30, 2021

Hey! Microsoft said that the grid in Excel was massively large—1.1 million rows by 16,384 columns. I opened my favorite Excel file, and I have only 65,536 rows. What’s going on?

Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Access the Ribbon »

July 29, 2021

I never learned the Excel 2003 menu shortcuts. I would like to be able to use the keyboard to access some of the most-used Excel commands.

The Excel 2003 Alt Keystrokes Still Work (If You Type Them Slowly Enough) »

July 28, 2021

I can’t find anything on the ribbon. I used to use a lot of keyboard shortcuts. For example, I often used Alt+E+I+J to invoke Edit, Fill, Justify. Microsoft completely eliminated the Edit menu, so what shortcuts do I use now?

Make Your Most-Used Icons Always Visible »

July 27, 2021

With the ribbon, I can only see one-seventh of the icons at any one time. I find that I spend a lot of time on the Data tab, but I annoyingly have to keep switching back to the Home tab. Does Microsoft really think this is better?

Zoom is at the Bottom »

July 26, 2021

Starting in Excel 2007, all commands in Office are supposed to be at the top of the screen. Don’t miss the View and Zoom commands at the bottom right of the window.