Excel Tips
Assign a Macro to a Shortcut Key »
November 10, 2021
I need a fast way to run a macro that I’ve added to the Personal Macro Workbook.
Macro to Toggle Positive to Negative »
November 9, 2021
My debits came in as credits. I need to quickly change the sign on all numbers in a range.
November 6, 2021
It was another Tuesday last week that the Excel Development Team made their huge move about creating Custom Data Types. Although it is still in beta mode and you may need to join the Office Insider program to follow the rest of this article, it is certainly a big step that gives developers a huge power to represent data in Excel.
Create a Personal Macro Workbook »
November 5, 2021
There are a few macros in this workbook that might be useful in a Personal Macro Workbook. If you’ve never used macros before, you may not have a personal macro workbook. It is easy to create one.
Print all Excel Keyboard Shortcuts »
November 4, 2021
Is there a complete list of keyboard shortcuts?
Prevent Cell Addresses When EditING In a RefEdit Box? »
November 2, 2021
There are a few maddening dialog boxes in Excel. Say that you define a name and later need to edit that name. Click somewhere in the RefEdit box. When you press the left or right arrow key to move to another part of the cell, Excel starts inserting cell references.
November 1, 2021
I work in the music business, and I routinely have to enter copyright symbols. How can I do so easily?
October 29, 2021
I have many numbers to enter, but I am notoriously bad at keying data. How can I get my numbers into Excel accurately?
Roll Back to an AutoSaved Version »
October 28, 2021
I need to roll back to an AutoSaved version. I screwed up something that I can not fix with the 100 levels of Undo.