Excel Tips

Fill a Cell with Repeating Characters »

December 29, 2021

I need to fill a cell with asterisks before the number. If the cell gets wider, I want more asterisks to appear.

Convert Numbers to Text »

December 28, 2021

I have a field that can contain numbers and text. I need the numeric entries to sort with the text entries. However, Excel always sorts the numeric entries to the top of the list, followed by the text entries.

Change Smith, Jane to Jane Smith »

December 27, 2021

I have a column of names in last name, first name style. How can I convert the data to first name last name?

Parse Multi-Line Cells »

December 24, 2021

Someone used the Alt+Enter trick discussed later in this book to build address information with three lines in single cells. I need to break this data into columns.

Parse Data With Leader Lines »

December 23, 2021

Someone sent me data with leader lines (........) between the columns. How can I parse the data?

My G/L Software Uses a Trailing Minus for Negative Numbers »

December 22, 2021

I have data where the minus sign appears after the number. Excel treats this as text.

Open CSV File With Dates in D/M/Y Format »

December 20, 2021

Our European subsidiary send me a CSV file. One of the columns is in DD/MM/YYYY format, but my international settings are expecting the dates in MM/DD/YYYY format.

Excel Is Randomly Parsing Pasted Data »

December 16, 2021

Every once in a while, I paste data from a text file to Excel, and Excel will spontaneously parse my data into several columns. I copied the names from the e-mail on the left, but when I pasted to Excel, the names appeared in one, two, or three columns. However, this may not happen tomorrow. It might happen only once every two weeks.

Parse Data using Text to Columns »

December 15, 2021

A vendor gave me a file that contains three-segment item numbers. The segments are separated by dashes. The FIND function makes my head hurt, but I need to break the part number into three columns. What do I do?